[Guide] Better AutoReset Scripting


New Member
Apr 13, 2008
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Hmm, here's what i've figured out, the old scripts, which i post here for AutoReset, had that problem: If the character gets the lvl for the reset, and the character is still online, every minute he gets +1 Resets ^^... Well, that is a little stupid :D

Here is the better AutoReset Script (for the SQL Server Agent):

UPDATE Character
SET cLevel= [COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR] , Experience = 0 , LevelUpPoint = (LevelUpPoint + [COLOR="Red"][COLOR="Red"]300[/COLOR][/COLOR]) , Resets = (Resets + 1), Money = (Money - [COLOR="Red"]50000000[/COLOR]) , MapNumber = [COLOR="Red"]0[/COLOR] , MapPosX = [COLOR="Red"]130[/COLOR] , MapPosY = [COLOR="Red"]122[/COLOR]
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID = MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE cLevel>[COLOR="Red"]399[/COLOR] AND ConnectStat = 0

In RED are the things u CAN change ;)

More Information:

cLevel -> The Character Level
LevelUpPoint -> Those are the points, which the player can add on the character as Strength, Agility, Vitality, Energy or Command
Money -> That's the amount of zen, and in red i have taged the amount of zen, that u pay for the Reset
MapNumber -> That's the map, in which u spawn, when u reset (when u log in the game again), the numbers are the same, as those, u use for "/gmove", for example i gave "0" = "Lorencia"
MapPosX & MapPosY -> Those are the coordinates in tha map, in which u spawn after the reset, for example i gave "130 122"
The last cLevel -> There, the ">399" means, that u must be over 399 level to reset, so if u change it to 349 for example, u can make the reset from 350 to 400 level (when the players ones to reset)

Don't touch "ConnectStat = 0" , it's from MEMB_STAT table in MuOnline DB, which means, that u have to be offline to make the reset! But sometimes the value stays "1", even if the player is offline! Then:

Delete MEMB_STAT table from MuOnline DB and execute this query in SQL Query Analizer:

[memb___id] [nvarchar] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[ConnectStat] [tinyint] NULL ,
[ServerName] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,
[IP] [nvarchar] (15) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,
[ConnectTM] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[DisConnectTM] [smalldatetime] NULL

Copy-Paste the query in the field and press F5 to execute! ;)


-me ^^ , [DarksTeam]ReaL
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Reactions: RhysFox
Great work buddy :angel2: This is a very helpful script :yes:
само не разбах има ли някви недостатъци и бъгове :chuckle:
Налага се просто да четеш малко по-внимателно, нищо повече (speechless)-:)
А може ли да попитам как ще е кода ако искаш да си остават точките. Моля те РеаЛ направи го ;)
how about the coding for reset by giving some points(reset x points) and set the all stats to 25?
А може ли да попитам как ще е кода ако искаш да си остават точките. Моля те РеаЛ направи го ;)
UPDATE Character
SET cLevel= 1 , Experience = 0 , Resets = (Resets + 1), Money = (Money - 50000000) , MapNumber = 0 , MapPosX = 130 , MapPosY = 122
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID = MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE cLevel>399 AND ConnectStat = 0
I Use this script but i select server im sing out of the server and the character dont reset.

The fist time i put the script shi reset wark sun bat next time i have 400 lvl dont resets mi character , The ConnectStat = 0 is ok.. Wat is thea problem?
UPDATE Character
SET cLevel= 1 , Experience = 0 , Resets = (Resets + 1), Money = (Money - 50000000) , MapNumber = 0 , MapPosX = 130 , MapPosY = 122
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID = MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE cLevel>399 AND ConnectStat = 0

Как трябва да се нарпави за да даде 500точки след рес?
Ето как :)

UPDATE Character
SET cLevel= [COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR] , Experience = 0 , LevelUpPoint = (LevelUpPoint + [B][U][COLOR="Green"][COLOR="Green"]500[/COLOR][/COLOR][/U][/B]) , Resets = (Resets + 1), Money = (Money - [COLOR="Red"]50000000[/COLOR]) , MapNumber = [COLOR="Red"]0[/COLOR] , MapPosX = [COLOR="Red"]130[/COLOR] , MapPosY = [COLOR="Red"]122[/COLOR]
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID = MEMB_STAT.memb___id
COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI
WHERE cLevel>[COLOR="Red"]399[/COLOR] AND ConnectStat = 0