General Information
Version: Season4+Customs
Experience: 200x
Drop: 45%
Guild from: 300 lvl
Resets: ON ( Require 400lvl, 50kk Zen; Gives 500pts, Clean stats )
Grand Resets: ON ( Require 100 resets )
Low zen drops
Season 4 pets
Skill tree
Land Of Trials anciant drop rate [500/10,000]
Stats per level: DK, DW, ELF: 5, MG, DL: 7.
PC Bang points system One point each 15 min.
Cashshop System
Experience is bigger on party
New golden invasion
All Season4 Episode1 Features working
Soon Episode2 ( as soon as coder will finish it )
Jewel Success Rate:
Jewel of Soul success rate: 65% (+luck: 90%)
Jewel of Life success rate: 65%
Other like original
Chaos Machine:
Chaos Success Rate Level +10 = 60%
Chaos Success Rate Level +11 = 60%
Chaos Success Rate Level +12 = 60%
Chaos Success Rate Level +13 = 55%
Chaos Success Rate + Luck = +25%
Wings 4 level mix rate = 35 % Hot!
Other like original
! "text" - Global chat, like post. ( 2 500 000 zen )
/pkclear - Clear PK status.( 50 000 000 zen )
/online - shows how much online players
Devias, Losttower, Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus, Kantru2, Silent Map, Santa Village More Coming.
Castle Siege
Blood Castle Expiriance x2.
Devil Square Expiriance x2.
Chaos Castle Expiriance x2.
Illusion Temple
Some customized maps (links here,here and here.)Hot!
New wings 4th level, with mix in chaos machine Hot!
Siege skill can be used on all maps Hot!
And more.
Coming Features:
Duel system
Moss Merchant
New Jewels
Seals System
Custom Quests
Customized experience rate on some maps
And more...
You can see them in our gallery: http://www.arkanus.lt/mu/Gallery
Website: http://www.arkanus.lt/mu/
Forum: http://forum.arkanus.lt/
Email: [email protected]

You will find more information in our website. Server is really young, so we will try to keep it updated. Our coder working as fast as he can and we we are trying to add something new every day. Feel free to say your opinion or suggestions.
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