[Release] AntiLag Patch v8


Staff member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
This patch is for people with slow connection and bad ram+graphic cards and video cards so no flaming because it removes effects

* evil spirits tail (the black line behind the spirit faces)
* aqua beam (completly gone)
* PS/powerslash (completly gone)
* nova (yes i removed the lagg parts of nova when you release it, i kept the loading effect so ppl can still track guardian patchers)
* icarus clouds removed (very old but important )
* kanturu 4 and 5 clouds removed (removed them because they are 10 times more laggy than icarus without this patch xD)
* Death Stab wind effect (not so very laggy unless youre in war or duel)
* Twisting slash sparks (only thing i could remove but makes the game go slightly faster)
* Life Swell explosion removed
* atlans removed water effect and bubbles
* tarkan sandstorm gone
* All base wings removed visualy (satan, heaven, butterfly, dragon, soul, spirit)
* removed devias snow flakes
* removed chaos castle clouds (i think)
* removed illusion temple clouds
* removed login error from earlier patch
* minor changes to other maps
* OPTIONAL: gamma on +7 and above items reduced to +0 but with white layer

* too many to list since i removed OVER 182 MORE EFFECTS! but i list some
* 3rd wings removed (only a transparent layer left showing its 3rd wings)
* several skill effects removed
* smoke and explosions removed allong with more visual stuff

Q: what is gamma reduce?
A: it removes glows and shines ingame alot better than the ingame gamma reducer and it leaves a white layer over the items instead to indicate that they are +ed.

Q: i use the patch but still lagg
A: i dont say it remove lagg 100% or that it removes all, you will still get connection lagg, this patch just removes most computer caused lagg by removing effects.

Q: does it work on version x? (x = version number for those who dont get it)
A: works on ANY version

Download Links
4storing Mirror: Click Here
FileFront Mirror: Click Here

Copyright ©2003 - 2008, HikariKnight
Това по скоро е са слаби Пе-це-та.... маха глоуа и повечето "ефекти" на магийте и не ти сече...
Браво мн добро 10/10 ! :)
Q: does it work on version x? (x = version number for those who dont get it)
A: works on ANY version
Това по скоро е са слаби Пе-це-та.... маха глоуа и повечето "ефекти" на магийте и не ти сече...

Знач го това !!! :)
но може и на по Яки да се Сложи ))
то по тая логика дай да направим итемите да се прозрачни ...
оправете линковете , не мога да тегля от 4storing !!!
правя заявка за този скрипт на версия : 0.97д+99и , моля ви помогнете !!!