Name Server: Exc-Angel Mu
Version: 1.03L - Bugless Season IV Epi2
Max player Online: 200
Online: 24/7
Dedicated Server: NO
IP: w main
Port: w main
WebSite: News - Exc-Angel Mu Season4
Board: Exc-Angel Mu Season 4 : Strona Glowna
Register: OPEN
:: Servers Configuration ::
Exp: 150x
Master Exp: 160x
Drop: 60%
Zen Rate: 4%
Elf Buffer: do 160 lvl'u
Gildia: od 350 lvl
HP Mobów: 100%
Reset: Na 400 lvl'u (Cost - 100 kk) (Stats Keep)
Event: Yes (Sometime)
Bless Bug: NO
Zen Party Bug: NO
Potion Bug: NO
Shadow Bug: NO
MG: 220 lvl
DL: 250 lvl
SUM: 1 lvl ( Need buy Summoner Card for Free)
Max level Itemka: +13+16
GuildAlliance Min Player: 10 player
Delete Character: 40lvl
Herat of Love, etc: YES
:: Points Per Level ::
DK: 5 / 6
DW: 5 / 6
Elf: 5 / 6
MG: 7
DL: 7
Sum: 5 / 6
:: Jevel Succes Rate::
Bless: 100%
Soul: 55%
Soul + luck: 75%
Life: 75%
:: Chaos Machine ::
Items Normal:
+10: 60%
+11: 55%
+12: 55%
+13: 50%
Luck: +10%
Items Socket:
+10: 60%
+11: 55%
+12: 55%
+13: 45%
Luck: +10%
Items Excellent:
+10: 55%
+11: 50%
+12: 50%
+13: 40%
Luck: +10%
Wingi 1 lvl: Max. 100 %
Wingi 2 lvl: Max. 90 %
Wingi 3 lvl: Max. 40 %
Feather of Condor: Max 60 %
Dinorant: 100%
Potion of Bless: 100 %
Potion of Soul: 100 %
:: Shops ::
Set: +3+4
Wepon: +3+4+skill
SM: Sphinx Set, Legendary Staff, Scroll normal no ES
BK: Scale Set, Helical Sword, Imaple Orb
Elf: Spirit Set, Silver Bow, Heling Orb
MG: Scale Set / Sphinx Set, Helical Sword/ Legendary Staff, Scroll normal no ES
DL: Scale Set, Master Scepter, Scroll of FireBurst
SUM: Red Wing Set, Red Wing Staff, Scroll of Fire Ball, Power Wave, Meteorite, Ice
:: Spots ::
Spots max 4-6 mobs
188 122 // Budge Dragon / Spider
170 74 // Goblin / Chain Scorpion
45 150 // Strange Rabbit / Polluted Butterfly
105 57 // Cursed Lich
194 150 // Cursed Lich / Totem Golem
240 83 // Worm
36 39 // Yeti
25 12 // Yeti
212 216 // Elite Yeti
237 214 // Elite Yeti
49 10 // Bahamut / Vepar
25 44 // Bahamut / Vepar
225 44 // Great Bahamut
242 52 // Great Bahamut
194 98 // Shadow
53 92 // Death Knight / Devil
23 103 // Death Knight / Devil
54 118 // Death Knight / Death Gorgon
52 136 // Death Knight / Death Gorgon
40 169 // Death Gorgon
134 49 // Mutant
193 114 // Mutant / Bloody Wolf
158 41 // Mutant / Bloody Wolf
112 71 // Bloody Wolf
98 91 // Bloody Wolf / Iron Wheel
73 46 // Mega Crust
83 81 // Queen Raine
63 85 // Drakan / Queen Raine
25 68 // Alpha Crust / Drakan
29 102 // Alpha Crust
171 117 // Blue Golem / Death Rider
200 153 // Blue Golem / Death Rider
38 233 // Sprinter Wolf
81 239 // Sprinter Wolf
155 231 // Sprinter Wolf
188 10 // Berserker / Blade Hunter
220 43 // Satyros / Blade Hunter
150 12 // Berserker / Blade Hunter
135 45 // Berserker / Kantureos
61 95 // Genocider
100 107 // Twin Tale
116 81 // Twin Tale / Persona
181 205 // Ice Walker
185 188 // Giant Mammoth
:: Party Exp System ::
PartyExp2Players : 80= 40 one player
PartyExp3Players : 140= 46 one player
PartyExp4Players: 160= 40 one player
PartyExp5Players: 220= 44 one player
SetPartyExp3Players: 160= 53 one player
SetPartyExp4Players: 210= 52,5 one player
SetPartyExp5Players: 280=56 one player
:: Invasion ::
Invasion Golden Mobs: Co 4h, Status: ON
PS. Goledn mobs very stron + def posion wink.gif
BOK+1: Leather, Bronze, Pad, Vine, Mistery[SUM Set] Ringi, Pedanty + Weapons Sets
BOK+2: Brass, Plate, Scale, Bone, Sphinx, Silk, Wind, Spirit, Light Plate, Red Wing[SUM Set] + Weapons Sets
BOK+3: Dragon, Legendary, Guardian, Storm Crow, Adamentine, Ancient[SUM Set] + Weapons Sets
BOK+4: Black Dragon, Dark Phoenix, Grand Soul, Divine, Thunder Hawk, Dark Steel, Black Rose[SUM Set] + Weapons Sets
BOK+5: Great Dragon, Dark Soul, Red Spirit, Dark Master, Hurricane, Aura[SUM Set] + Weapons Sets
:: Events ::
White Wizard: every 4h, Status: ON
Chaos Castle: every 4h, Status: ON
Blood Castle: every 2h, Status: ON
Devil Square: every 3h, Status: ON
Illusion Temple: every 5h, Status: ON
Castle Siege: every week, Status: ON
Crywolf: Thursdays and Sundays 21:15, Status: ON
Deep Event: every day 18:10, Status: ON
Kantru Event: ON
Kundun Event: every 24h, Status: ON
Erohim: every 12h, Status: ON
Raklion Event: ON
Moss Merchant: ON
Cherry Blossom Event: ON ( Start 1 day Spring )
XMass Event: ON ( Start 1 day December )
- Ribbon Box
- Chocolate Box (Drop Valentiteday )
- Star ( Drop Xmas )
- FireCracker (Drop new year)
- Cherry Blossom Play-Box
:: News::
- PC Cafe point System (3pkt-60 min activ game, 1 pkt-60 min active game in Safe Zone)
- Radom award w BC (82% - Chaos, 10% - Bundled Jewel of Bless+1, 8% - Bundled Jewel of Soul+1)
- Radom award w IT (90% - Items Excellent, 10% - Golden Fenrir)
- Moss Merchant Event (10% item Excellent)
- Add jevel of harmony to ancient
- Cash Shop (Pkt. Win Events)
- Excellent Socket Item
- Excellent Ancient Item
- Party Exp System
- Marry System
- Duel System
:: Command::
/post - 50 lvl, 500000 zen
/add str, agi, vit, ene, cmd - 1 lvl, 10000 zen (Max add - 200 pkt)
/online - 1lvl
/time - 1 lvl
/pkclean - 50 lvl, 2000000 Zen, 1 Jevel of Creation)
/marry (nick postaci)
:: Staff ::
- Oski (Admin)
- Chudy (Admin)
- Evilek[GM]
- Incognito (GM)
- Skay (GM)
- OkoProroka (GM)
Client: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Patch: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Music: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Special Gratz:
- Incognito
Publication created by: Oski