[AD] -=Anarchy Mu=- [Season 6] | Exp x30 | Drop 35% | Start [11/10/2024]

AnarchyMu x30 server Grand Оpening!

Start date: 11.10.2024, 20:00h UTC+3 (Friday)
Site: https://www.anarchymu.com/
Version: Season 6 Episode 19
Exp: 30x (Stop every Friday at maximum level and Exp x2 at the Weekends)
Master Exp: 3x
Max Resets: 50
Max Grand Resets: 3
Stages system: 4 major stages:
First Stage: 50 resets, 0 grand resets, 50 ML
Second Stage: 50 resets, 1 grand resets, 100 ML
Third Stage: 50 resets, 2 grand resets, 200 ML
Fourth Stage: 50 resets, 3 grand resets, 300 ML
Reset Points: 500 x Reset
Reconnect system: fully working
First Castle Siege: 03/11/2024 -> 3 weeks after start
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anarchymuonline
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@anarchymu.com