[AD] Alpha MU | Season 6 Episode 16 | x3000 | Balanced PvP | Opening 3 July


Jan 9, 2021
Reaction score

MORE INFO: https://alpha-mu.site/index.php?ref=darksteam
Register: https://alpha-mu.site/index.php?id=register

Hello everyone!
We proudly announce the opening of Alpha MuOnline Season 6 Episode 16 at
3 July 2021 12:00 UTC+2!

Server opening times:

Philippines: 18:00 (UTC+8)
Poland: 12:00 (UTC+2)
United Kingdom: 11:00 (UTC+1)
Argentina: 7:00 (UTC-3)

Host location: UK
Hosting provider: OVH (DDoS Protected)

Server list:
1. General Server (PVP) 3000x
2. Offattack Server (Non PVP) 1000x

Server configuration info:
Exp: 3000x (VIP: 5000x)
Drop: 70%
Version: Season 6 Episode 16
Points per level: 5/7/7/7
Maximal stats: 32767
Maximal connections per IP: 3
Unique PvP Balance
All class Combo skill

In website / in game /reset command
Stats: stay
Spells: stay
Items: stay
Reset on spot: ON

Grand Reset:

Require: 50 resets
In website
Stats: stay
Items: stay
Spells: stay
Reward: 750 Gold Credits(VIP: 1250 Gold Credits)
Reward: (VIP: 100 WCoin)


/addstr - add strength
/addagi - add agility
/addvit - add vitality
/addene - add energy
/addcmd - add command
/evo - Evolve to next class
/zen 200000000000 - set own zen to maximal
/reset (auto) - Make a reset in game or turn on/off auto reset.
/post - POST in global chat
/re (on / off / auto) - Show/Hide requests or auto-accept party requests.
/attack - Start auto attack
/offattack - Start offattack in offattack server only.


Freebies are available for all players! We don't offer complete FO FS sets as a freebies - you will need to get them yourself. Our freebies are 3500 Gold Credits for use in Webshop or Market. One person can claim freebies one time. To request freebies you MUST HAVE a facebook account.

What to do?

1. Create account (MUST HAVE)
2. Vote for server on all links on Vote Reward (ONLY REAL VOTES) (MUST HAVE)
3. Like and share our facebook page (MUST HAVE)
4. Send a freebie request to our facebook page. (MUST HAVE)

Request must include:
1. Character OR Account name,
2. Date and time of last finished vote
3. Information from where you found our server(MUST HAVE)

Freebies will be added as soon as possible, but not later then 12 hours after request is sent (usually faster).
One person can claim freebies one time.
If you fail to vote for server on all links after 2nd request to do so - freebies will be declined.
If any of requirements will be unfinished - freebies will not be added.

Vote Reward system

We offer our players to get rewards for doing real votes for our server. Also we give rewards to our TOP10 Voters! Yes, top10!! Be aware, some sites might take up to 1 hours to validate your vote and reward for this site will be added only after your vote is validated. Also, one person can use vote reward only on one account, because if you vote from same IP address 3 times, only one of votes are counted. Be fair to us - we reward you.

Achievement system

In achievement system you can earn extra Gold Credits or other goods when finishing achievements (for example - get max Energy on 1 character or Vote for server 100 times). Achievement system has Laurels (levels). Each laurel level will grant you specific amount of Gold Credits.


We have multi-currency web-market, which means you can sell your good stuff not only for Gold Credits, but also for other goods(Harmony, Sign of Lord, Creation).


Every 2 weeks we will make auctions for players! Auctions will take place in Loren Market(X: 91, Y: 125). Auctions will be happening in General Server (PVP). First auction will be on 17.07.2021 18:00 Server Time. Currency in auctions will be Sign of Lord, which can be looted in Blood Castle, Devil Square, Crywolf event, Kanturu event, Medusa, Selupan, Erohim, Lunar Rabbit(5 pieces of Sign of Lord), Skeleton King(3 pieces), Red Dragon(3 pieces) and boxes(GM Events, event prizes, Box of Kundun). In auctions we will auction NEW DONATE ITEMS(Season 8 - Season 16 items for all classes). Auctioned items will be FS FO.


1. Minimal bid for items is announced together with item, but not less then 20 Sign of Lord.
2. One player(not one account, not one character - one PLAYER) can buy maximal 2 items - we need everyone to get a chance to get Donate items for free!
3. In time of bidding I expect from you silence. We don't chit chat in auction time. We DO chitchat in time between items - while Trade is being made or before next item anouncement.
4. All players who are comming to auction MUST BE WITHOUT WINGS.
5. If player makes a bid, but can not pay it right away - after bidding for item is finished - player is disqualified from ALL auctions! No second chances!
6. Auction will start with Seed Sphere packs - Seed Sphere packs are not counted in Total Item count that user can buy. You can buy, for example, 3 Seed Packs + 2 items. We count only items, not the seeds.
7. Sign of Lord and Donate - these things doesn't work together. Don't try offering money to Admins for SOL.

New Items

New items will be introduced every 2 weeks in Auctions! Those items will be exclusive.


Maximal EXC Options: 6
Maximal socket options: 5 (Only empty socket)
Maximal item level: +15
Maximal additional option: +28 / +7% HP rec.

VIP System:

VIPs has great benefits in game and in website.

Reset level: 320
Grand reset reward: 1250 Gold Credits
Grand reset second reward: 100 WCoin
Exp: 5000x
Exp in Offattack server: 5000x
Drop: 70% (SAME)
Master exp: Increased by 200%
Vote reward increase: 100%

Register: https://alpha-mu.site/index.php?id=register

PVP Balance

PVP balance in our server is made for all class to be equal as much as it is possible (NO - they don't have equal HP, SD, attack speed, but their DAMAGE is TESTED and adjusted to give both equal chances). PVP balance is made for use of Combo skill, not single skill kill(Except Dark Lord and Rage Fighter, their single skill is much faster then combo skill casting). If you can do combo very fast - you will win the fight, but if you can do combo + drink potions - you are a PRO! PVP was balanced with Full Socket sets and Full Socket weapons using all available buffs from X Shop. If you want to fight without buffs - that will not be possible.
ANY MACRO/AUTO KEYBOARD/SUPER COOL GAMING MOUSE/SELF-MADE ROBOT WHO DRINK POTIONS USE IS NOT ALLOWED. It is 3rd party software, that is not your skills. We value pure skills.

Register: https://alpha-mu.site/index.php?id=register

Boss and Event drops

Boss and event drops are configured to make gameplay more exciting and give them a reason to be. You can see drop list from events/boses here(CLICK ME).

Caslte Siege.

Castle Siege will be happening once a week. Castle Day is Sunday 12:00 Server time. Winners of Castle Siege will gain exclusive access to Land of Trials(LoT) map - Sign of Lord(Erohim) / Ancient item / Jewel of Creation drop rates there will be much higher! That will help Castle Owner guild players to Win auctions and also finish their non-donate gears faster then others! YES! Land of Trials DOES HAVE SPOTS!

Custom drops from boxes.

We have custom drops from boxes, they are made as Jewel Box, Pet Box and Seed Box. They will be used in GM events and also they are available in drops from Events/Boses. Box drops are listed here(CLICK ME).

Donate options.

There is an option to donate in our server - you can buy Gold Credits / VIP / Master Level(for lazy ones) / Stats(for lazy ones) / Items / Sets. Some of donate options will be enabled only after first week of server being online to make sure you enjoy the game process without donation at least at start. Donate set and item options infos are available in PM to any ADMIN.

Register: https://alpha-mu.site/index.php?id=register

ADMIN (Main Administrator - English, Latvian, Russian)
Flowery (Administrator - English, Russian)
Happy (Administrator - English, Tagalog)
Kn1ghT(GameMaster - English, Latvian, Russian)
Munch(GameMaster - English, Tagalog)
Kecsi(GameMaster - English, Hungarian)

Register: https://alpha-mu.site/index.php?id=register




Register: https://alpha-mu.site/index.php?id=register
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