[AD] AgoraMU | Season 6 - Hard | 5x No Reset | Launch 18.02.2022


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Dec 24, 2021
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AgoraMU Online x5 NoReset Opening 18-02-2022
Opening Time ll 19:00 l GMT


Grand Open: 18-02-2022 | Time: 19:00 GMT
Server Links:

Website: https://agoramu.com/
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/4AbKKcVst2
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/591286998631795

Server Location - France
Hard x5 - Game Info
• Version: Season 6 Episode 3 Classic
• Experience: x5
• Master EXP: x3
• Drop: 20%
• Elf NPC Buff Till: ON (till level 350)
• Official MU Helper: ON (from 10 level, 250 zen * level for 5 min.)
• Points Per Level: 5/6/7

Hard x5 - Base Info
• Monster HP: 100%
• Required level for class: SUM 1 lvl, MG 220 lvl, DL 250 lvl, RF 250 lvl
• Off Trade System: ON
• Off Level System: ON
• Marry System: ON
• Auto Reconnect System: ON
• Gens System: ON
• Master Skill Tree: ON (max 200 lvl)
• Guild Create Level: 150
• Cash Shop 'X': ON (EXP buffs and more)
• And More

Hard x5 - Ingame Command

* Party Exp Bonus: ON
----- Duo Exp Bonus: + 0% EXP
----- Bronze Party Exp Bonus: + 5% EXP
----- Silver Party Exp Bonus: + 7.5% EXP
----- Gold Party Exp Bonus: + 10% EXP

Items & Item Upgrade

Jewel rates:
* Jewel of Bless: 100%
* Jewel of Soul: 70%
* Jewel of Life: 80%

Item Level upgrade :: Guide & Information

Jewel rates:

* Jewel of Bless: 100%
* Jewel of Soul: 70%
* Jewel of Life: 80%

Combination rates:
* Item level +10: 60%
* Item level +11: 55%
* Item level +12: 50%
* Item level +13: 45%
* Item level +14: 40%
* Item level +15: 35%

* Success rate to item +luck = increases +20% success rate

* Success rate to item +luck = increases +20% success rate

Chaos Machine & Combination Mixes

1st Level Wings :: Guide & Information
General Info

* There are 4 type of 1st level wings that can be crafted and it can be done in 2 STEPS

* Combinations maximum item +add option = 16 (if more, than rate % will be lower)
Step #1:
* Item +4+add (minimum)
* Jewel of Chaos
* Jewel of Bless (optional, it increases success rate)
* Jewel of Soul (optional, it increases success rate)

* Success combination = Chaos Weapon (Chaos Dragon Axe, Chaos Lightning Staff, Chaos Nature Bow)
Step #2:
* Chaos Weapon +4+add (minimum)
* Item +4+add (minimum)
* Jewel of Chaos
* Jewel of Bless (optional, it increases success rate)
* Jewel of Soul (optional, it increases success rate)

* Success combination = 1st level wings (1-90% success rate)

2nd Level Wings :: Guide & Information
Combination items:

* 1st level wings +4+add (minimum)
* Loch's Feather or Monarch's Crest (Drop Iacarus)
* Jewel of Chaos
* Excellent Item +4+add (minimum) (optional, it increases success rate)

* Success combination = 2nd level wings/cape (1-70% success rate)

3rd Level Wings :: Guide & Information
STEP #1: Condor Feather

* 2nd level wings +9+add (minimum)
* Ancient Item +7+add (minimum) (better options, higher item Durability = better % increase)
* Jewel of Chaos
* Jewel of Creation
* Jewel of Soul Bundle (10x souls)

* Success combination = Condor Feather (1-60% success rate)
STEP #2: Wings Level 3
* Excellent Item +9+add (minimum) (better options, higher item Durability = better % increase)
* Condor Feather
* Condor Flame (Drop Barracks)
* Jewel of Chaos
* Jewel of Creation
* Jewel of Soul Bundle (10x souls)
* Jewel of Bless Bundle (10x bless)

* Success combination = 3rd level wings/cape (1-40% success rate)

380 level item PvP options :: Guide & Information
General Info

* There are few specific unique PVP options which can be added only to 380 lvl items (Guardian gear)
For weapons, such as Bone Blade, Grand Viper Staff, Sylph Wind Bow, Explosion Blade, Soleil Scepter, Storm Blitz Stick and set parts such as Dragon Knight, Venom Mist, Sylphid Ray, Volcano, Storm Blitz there is a chance of obtaining special special PvP options. You can add these options through Chaos Machine, however to do that your item must be upgraded.

* 380 lvl items +4+add (minimum)
* Jewel of Guardian
* Jewel of Harmony
* 10kk Zen

* Success combination = PvP option added (60% success rate)

Harmony options :: Guide & Information
How to get Jewel of Harmony ?

* Jewel of Harmony can be crafted from Gemstone which can be dropped from regular monsters in Kanturu 1-3 and Kanturu Relics
* Once you got Gemstone/-es, go to Aida 1 and talk to NPC Elpis (82, 14) and select option "Refine Gemstone" and put in Gemstone
* Success combination = Jewel of Harmony (80% success rate)

If I want to get/change to other Harmony option (remove option) ?
* If you did not get the Harmony option you need you can simply remove current and try again
* To remove Harmony option, go to Aida 1 and talk to NPC Jerridon (86, 13) and put the item in Restore combination box

How to improve current Harmony option ?
* You can use Lower Refining Stones = used for increasing Low Harmony Options
* You can use Higher Refining Stones = used for increasing High Harmony Options

Lower Refining Stones
* NPC: Aida 1 and talk to NPC Osbourne (78, 13)
* Item: Item+4 (success rate 20%)

High Refining Stones
* NPC: Aida 1 and talk to NPC Osbourne (78, 13)
* Item: Excellent Item+4 (success rate 50%

380 level items :: Guide & Information
General Info

* There are few things which you need to know before getting 380 lvl items in our server

* Regular 380 level item = 380 level
* Excellent 380 level item = 400 level

Warning: Some players might got disconnect while equipped 380/400 lvl items before required level (required level = 400) !

* Take off 380/400 level items and wear them ONLY when level = 400

* Bone Blade
* Sylph Wind Bow
* Grand Viper Staff
* Explosion Blade
* Soleil Scepter
* Storm Blitz Stick

Set Items:
* Dragon Knight
* Sylphid Ray Set
* Venom Mist Set
* Volcano Set
* Sunlight Set
* Storm Blitz Set

Horn of Fenrir :: Guide & Information

General Info

* There are 4 types of different Horn of Fenrirs (Red, Blue, Black,)
* All necessary item parts for Fenrir can be dropped from monsters
* 3x types of Horn of Fenrirs can be crafted in Chaos Machine except for Gold (it can be only exchanged)

Fenrir types
* Horn of Fenrir (Red Fenrir)
* Horn of Fenrir +Protect (Blue Fenrir)
* Horn of Fenrir +Destroy (Black Fenrir)
* Horn of Fenrir +Illusion (Gold Fenrir)

PART: Splinter of Armor
* Drop map: Crywolf
* Monster minimum level: 95
* Monster maximum level: 118

Bless of Guardian
* Drop map: Crywolf
* Monster minimum level: 95
* Monster maximum level: 118

Claw of Beast
* Drop map: Crywolf
* Monster minimum level: 123
* Monster maximum level: 140
Horn of Fenrir – CRAFTING

Stage #1:

* 20 pieces of Splinter of Armor
* 20 pieces of Bless of Guardian
* 1 Jewel of Chaos
* Success combination = Horn Fragment (70% success rate)
Stage #2:
* 5 pieces of Horn Fragment
* 10 pieces of Claw of Beast
* 1 Jewel of Chaos
* Success combination = Broken Horn (50% success rate)
Stage #3:
* 1 Broken Horn
* 3 Jewel Of Life
* 1 Jewel of Chaos
* Success combination = Horn of Fenrir (30% success rate)
Horn of Fenrir - UPGRADE
Armor type = helm, armor, gloves, pants, boots
Weapon type = swords, staffs, scepters, sticks

Horn of Fenrir +Protect - (Blue Fenrir):
* 1 Horn of Fenrir
* 5 Jewel of Life
* 1 Jewel of Chaos
* (Armor type) Excellent item +4+4add (minimum)
* Success combination = Blue Fenrir (30% success rate)
* Failed combination = items burned
Horn of Fenrir +Destroy - (Black Fenrir):
* 1 Horn of Fenrir
* 5 Jewel of Life
* 1 Jewel of Chaos
* (Weapon type) Excellent item +4+4add (minimum)
* Success combination = Black Fenrir (30% success rate)
* Failed combination = items burned

Pets (Dinorant, Dark Raven, Dark Horse) :: Guide & Information
General Info

* There are 3 pets which can be crafted (not including Horn of Fenrir) and 2 of them can used only by Dark Lord

Horn of Dinorant Combination:
(Dinorant allows you to fly (Icarus), increases damage by + 15%, absorbs 10% of damage and gives the Raid skill to the Dark Knight)
* 10x Horn of Uniria (255 HP, full HP)
* Jewel of Chaos
* 500k Zen
* Combination place = Noria (Chaos Goblin 180, 102)
* Success combination = Horn of Dinorant (70% success rate)

Dark Raven Combination:
(anyone can make this pet, but it can be used only by Dark Lord)
* Spirit of Dark Raven
* Jewel of Chaos
* Jewel of Creation
* 2x Jewel of Bless
* 2x Jewel of Soul
* 1kk Zen

* Combination place = Lorencia (Trainer 122, 110)
* Success combination = Dark Raven (60% success rate)

Dark Horse Combination:
(anyone can make this pet, but it can be used only by Dark Lord)
* Spirit of Dark Horse
* Jewel of Chaos
* Jewel of Creation
* 5x Jewel of Bless
* 5x Jewel of Soul
* 5kk Zen

* Combination place = Lorencia (Trainer 122, 110)
* Success combination = Dark Horse (60% success rate)
Pet restore life (durability):
* You can restore Pets HP (durability) for Dark Raven and Dark Horse -> go to Lorencia (Trainer 122, 110)

Tickets :: Guide & Information
General info:

* Crafting combination % rates for specific event tickets

(DS) Devil Square ticket rates:
* Devil's Invitation +1: 80%
* Devil's Invitation +2: 75%
* Devil's Invitation +3: 70%
* Devil's Invitation +4: 65%
* Devil's Invitation +5: 60%
* Devil's Invitation +6: 55%
* Devil's Invitation +7: 50%

(BC) Blood Castle ticket rates:
* Invisibility Cloak +1: 80%
* Invisibility Cloak +2: 80%
* Invisibility Cloak +3: 80%
* Invisibility Cloak +4: 80%
* Invisibility Cloak +5: 80%
* Invisibility Cloak +6: 80%
* Invisibility Cloak +7: 80%
* Invisibility Cloak +8: 80%

Senior Lord Mix :: Guide & Information

Mix Reward List (only 1 random item):

* Exc. Bone Blade
* Exc. Sylph Wind Bow
* Exc. Grand Viper Staff
* Exc. Explosion Blade
* Exc. Soleil Scepter
* Exc. Storm Blitz Stick
* Exc. Piercing Blade Glove

Other Events & Rewards

Cherry Blossom :: Guide & Information

General Info:

* You must collect Cherry Blossom Play Box from monsters and get good rewards from them

* When Cherry Blossom Spirit NPC is opened - DO NOT double-click/misclick on Branch/Reward, otherwise you might lose Branch/Reward (close MU window and join account again), sadly this can not be fixed, so be very careful !

NPC coordinates:
* Location: Noria (Cherry Blossom Spirit) 178, 127

Cherry Blossom Play Box:
* Play box drop reward list

10% chance:
- Cherry Blossom Flower Petal (Increases attack and wizardy power by 40, for 30 minutes)
- Cherry Blossom Rice Cake (+700 HP, for 30 minutes)
- Cherry Blossom Wine (+700 Mana, for 30 minutes)

10% chance:
- White Cherry Blossom Branch (Overlap: 10)

20% chance:
- Red Cherry Blossom Branch (Overlap: 30)

60% chance:
- Golden Cherry Blossom Branch (Overlap: 255)

Cherry Blossom Branch Exchange:
* Branch exchange rewards can receive in game

10 White Cherry Blossom Branch:
* - Imp / Guardian Angel / Horn of Dinorant / Jewel of Bless / Jewel of Soul

30 Red Cherry Blossom Branch:
* - Silver Key or Gold Key

255 Golden Cherry Blossom Branch:
* - Jewel of Guardian / Jewel of Bless Bundle / Jewel of Soul Bundle / Jewel of Life Bundle

Lucky Coins :: Guide & Information
General Info:

* You must collect Lucky Coins from monsters and you can exchange/register them for good rewards

NPC coordinates:
* Location: Devias (Delgado) 191, 17

Lucky Coin Exchange:
* Lucky Coin Exchange rewards can receive in game

10 Lucky Coins:
* - Jewel of Harmony / Jewel of Bless / Jewel of Soul

20 Lucky Coins:
* - Jewel of Life / Jewel of Creation

30 Lucky Coins:
* - Jewel of Bless Bundle / Jewel of Soul Bundle / Silver Key / Gold Key

Chaos Card :: Guide & Information
General Info:

* Warp to Lorencia and speak with the Chaos Master NPC (Lorencia 145, 138)
* Make sure to have free space in your inventory
* Place the Chaos Card in the combination window then combine

Chaos Card:
* Box of Kundun +1
* Jewel of Harmony
* Jewel of Creation
* Jewel of Guardian
Drop: (DS) Devil Square 1-7 & Zaikan (Mini Boss)

Chaos Card (Mini):
* Box of Kundun +2
* Jewel of Soul Bundle
* Jewel of Bless Bundle
* Jewel of Life Bundle

Drop: (BC) Blood Castle 1-8

Chaos Card (Rare):
* Box of Kundun +3
* Ring of Ice (Exc)
* Ring of Poison (Exc)
* Ring of Fire (Exc)
* Ring of Earth (Exc)
* Ring of Wind (Exc)
* Ring of Magic (Exc)
* Jewel of Bless Bundle

Drop: (BC) Blood Castle 7-8 & Illusion Temple 1-6

Chaos Card (Gold):
* Box of Kundun +4
* Pendant of Lighting (Exc)
* Pendant of Fire (Exc)
* Pendant of Ice (Exc)
* Pendant of Wind (Exc)
* Pendant of Water (Exc)
* Pendant of Ability (Exc)
* Jewel of Bless Bundle
Drop: (BC) Blood Castle 8 & Illusion Temple 1-6

ü Box of Kundun :: Guide & Information
General Info:

* Default item Excellent options = 1-2 (by default for all excellent items)

WCoins (C) :: Guide & Information
General Info:

* WCoins (C) can be only used in Cash Shop "X" to buy Special Items, Event Tickets,and other things for your character.

Location List (Skeleton King): appears randomly between 2 maps.
* Lorencia (1xDeath King,10xDeathBone)
* Noria (1xDeath King,10xDeathBone)

Location List (Red Dragon): appears randomly between 3 maps.
* Lorencia (2x Red Dragon)
* Devias (2x Red Dragon)
* Noria (2x Red Dragon)

Location List (Golden Dragon):
* Kanturu (1x Golden Dragon)
* Raklion (1x Golden Dragon)

Location List (White Wizard): appears randomly between 3 maps.
* Lorencia (1x White Wizard, 10x Orge Soldier, 10x Orge Archer)
* Devias (1x White Wizard, 10x Orge Soldier, 10x Orge Archer)
* Noria (1x White Wizard, 10x Orge Soldier, 10x Orge Archer)

Location List (Fortune Pouch):
* Losttower 1-7 (15x Fortune Pouch)

Location List (Lunar Rabbit):
* Tarkan 1-2 (15x rabbits)

Location List (Fire Flame Ghost):
* Devias 1-4 (15x Fire Flame Ghost)

Location List (Medusa): appears randomly between 4 maps.
* Swamp of Calmness (1x Medusa, 7x Sapi Queen)

How to get WCoins (C): - must Win Event
* Blood Castle = 50 WCoins (C)
* Devil Square = 50 WCoins (C)
* Chaos Castle = 50 WCoins (C)
* Illusion Temple = 50 WCoins (C)
* Team Vs Team = 100 WCoins (C)
* Guild Vs Guild = 100 WCoins (C)
* Battle Royale = 100 WCoins (C)
* PvpChampionship = 100 WCoins (C)
* DoppelGanger = 50 WCoins (C)
* Imperial Fort = 50 WCoins (C)

How to get WCoins (C): - must Kill Invasion
* Skeleton King = 100 WCoins (C)
* Red Dragon = 100 WCoins (C)
* Golden Dragon = 100 WCoins (C)
* White Wizard = 100 WCoins (C)
* Fortune Pouch = 25 WCoins (C)
* Lunar Rabbit = 25 WCoins (C)
* Fire Flame Ghost = 25 WCoins (C)
* Medusa = 250 WCoins (C)

How to get WCoins (C): - must Kill Boss
* CryWolf = 100 WCoins (C)
* Maya Hand = 50 WCoins (C)
* Nightmare = 250 WCoins (C)
* Kundun = 250 WCoins (C)
* Erohim = 250 WCoins (C)
* Dark Elf = 100 WCoins (C)
* Balgass = 100 WCoins (C)
* Selupan = 250 WCoins (C)

ü Sealed Silver & Gold Boxes :: Guide & Information
General Info:

* You can find Golden and Silver Sealed boxes from regular monster drop

* To open a box, you need to get Key (Silver Sealed Box = Silver Key, Golden Sealed Box = Gold Key

Silver Sealed Box:
- Box of Kundun+1
- Box of Kundun+2
- Box of Kundun+4

Golden Sealed Box:
- Box of Kundun+2
- Box of Kundun+3
- Box of Kundun+5

Events & Rewards

(BC) Blood Castle :: Guide & Information

* To get reward ALL party members must talk to NPC + click OK button (otherwise reward will not be added)
* Blood Castle +1: 15 - 80 level
* Blood Castle +2: 81 - 130 level
* Blood Castle +3: 131 - 180 level
* Blood Castle +4: 181 - 230 level
* Blood Castle +5: 231 - 280 level
* Blood Castle +6: 281 - 330 level
* Blood Castle +7: 331 - 400 level
* Blood Castle +8: 1 - 400 level (3rd Quest finished)

Blood Castle + 1
- Jewel of Bless or Jewel of Soul
- Jewel of Chaos
- Chaos Card (Mini)

Blood Castle + 2
- Jewel of Bless or Jewel of Soul or Jewel of Chaos
- Chaos Card (Mini)

Blood Castle + 3
- Jewel of Bless or Jewel of Soul or Jewel of Chaos
- Jewel of Life or Jewel of Creation
- Chaos Card (Mini)

Blood Castle + 4
- Jewel of Bless or Jewel of Soul or Jewel of Chaos or Jewel of Life or Jewel of Creation
- Chaos Card (Mini)

Blood Castle + 5
- Jewel of Life or Jewel of Creation
- Jewel of Harmony
- Chaos Card (Mini)

Blood Castle + 6
- Jewel of Life or Jewel of Creation or Jewel of Harmony
- Chaos Card (Mini)

Blood Castle + 7
- Jewel of Life or Jewel of Creation or Jewel of Harmony or Jewel of Bless Bundle or Jewel of Soul Bundle
- Chaos Card (Mini / Rare)

Blood Castle +8
- Jewel of Life or Jewel of Creation or Jewel of Harmony or Jewel of Bless Bundle or Jewel of Soul Bundle
- Chaos Card (Mini / Rare / Gold)

ü (DS) Devil Square :: Guide & Information

* Devil Square +1: 15 - 130 level
* Devil Square +2: 131 - 180 level
* Devil Square +3: 181 - 230 level
* Devil Square +4: 231 - 280 level
* Devil Square +5: 281 - 330 level
* Devil Square +6: 331 - 400 level
* Devil Square +7: 1 - 400 level (3rd Quest finished)

Devil Square + 1
* Chaos Card
* Jewel of Bless
* Jewel of Soul
* Jewel of Chaos

Devil Square + 2
* Chaos Card
* Jewel of Bless
* Jewel of Soul
* Jewel of Chaos

Devil Square + 3
* Chaos Card
* Jewel of Bless
* Jewel of Soul
* Jewel of Chaos

Devil Square + 4
* Chaos Card
* Jewel of Bless
* Jewel of Soul
* Jewel of Chaos

Devil Square + 5
* Chaos Card
* Jewel of Bless
* Jewel of Soul
* Jewel of Chaos

Devil Square + 6
* Chaos Card
* Jewel of Bless
* Jewel of Soul
* Jewel of Chaos

Devil Square + 7
* Chaos Card
* Jewel of Bless
* Jewel of Soul
* Jewel of Chaos

(CC) Chaos Castle :: Guide & Information

* Chaos Castle +1: 15 - 49 level
* Chaos Castle +2: 50 - 119 level
* Chaos Castle +3: 120 - 179 level
* Chaos Castle +4: 180 - 239 level
* Chaos Castle +5: 240 - 299 level
* Chaos Castle +6: 300 - 400 level
* Chaos Castle +7: 1 - 400 level (3rd Quest finished)

Chaos Castle + 1
* Ancient Item
* Jewel of Harmony
* Jewel of Life
* Jewel of Creation
* Jewel of Bless
* Jewel of Soul
* Jewel of Chaos

Chaos Castle + 2
* Ancient Item
* Jewel of Harmony
* Jewel of Life
* Jewel of Creation
* Jewel of Bless
* Jewel of Soul

Chaos Castle + 3
* Ancient Item
* Jewel of Harmony
* Jewel of Life
* Jewel of Creation
* Jewel of Bless

Chaos Castle + 4
* Ancient Item
* Chaos Card
* Jewel of Harmony
* Jewel of Life
* Jewel of Creation

Chaos Castle + 5
* Ancient Item
* Chaos Card (Mini)
* Chaos Card
* Jewel of Harmony
* Jewel of Life
* Jewel of Creation

Chaos Castle + 6
* Ancient Item
* Chaos Card (Rare)
* Chaos Card (Mini)
* Jewel of Harmony
* Jewel of Life
* Jewel of Creation

Chaos Castle + 7
* Ancient Item
* Chaos Card (Gold)
* Chaos Card (Rare)
* Jewel of Harmony
* Jewel of Life
* Jewel of Creation

Golden Invasion :: Guide & Information
Golden Invasion (every 4 hours)

Hour Minute
* 0:20
* 4:20
* 8:20
* 12:20
* 16:20
* 20:20

[EASY] Golden Budge Dragon (4)
* Item Drop: Box of Luck
* Map: Lorencia

[EASY] Golden Goblin (4)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +1
* Map: Noria

[EASY] Golden Rabbit (4)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +1
* Map: Elbeland

[EASY] Golden Soldier (4)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +1
* Map: Devias

[EASY] Golden Titan (4)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +2
* Map: Devias

[EASY] Golden Dark Knight (2)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +2
* Map: Dungeon

[EASY] Golden Vepar (4)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +2
* Map: Atlans

[EASY] Golden Devil (2)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +2
* Map: Lost Tower

[MEDIUM] Golden Lizard King (2)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +2
* Map: Atlans 2, Atlans 3

[MEDIUM] Golden Wheel (2)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +3
* Map: Tarkan

[MEDIUM] Golden Crust (2)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +3
* Map: Icarus

[MEDIUM] Golden Tantalos (2)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +3
* Map: Tarkan

[HARD] Golden Dragon (2)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +1, Box of Kundun +2 , Box of Kundun +3
* Map: Lorencia, Devias, Noria

[HARD] Golden Stone Golem (2)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +3
* Map: Aida 2

[HARD] Golden Satyr (2)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +4
* Map: Kanturu Ruins 1, Kanturu Ruins 2

[HARD] Golden Twin Tail (2)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +4
* Map: Kanturu Relics

[HARD] Golden Napin (2)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +5
* Map: Swamp of Peace

[HARD] Golden Iron Knight (2)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +5
* Map: Raklion

[HARD+] Great Golden Dragon (2)
* Item Drop: Box of Kundun +3, Box of Kundun +4, Box of Kundun +5
* Map: Kanturu Ruins 1, Kanturu Ruins 2, Kanturu Ruins 3, Raklion

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