I want to create 2 servers in 1 PC for low and high exp but I would like to know your suggestions on how to do it. I know we will have conflict with ODBC and stuff database related but anyone here have tried it?
Thanks for your input.
Easy bro.
Copy All MU Server and create 2 Folders
MUServerLOW & MUServerHIGH
Create "MuOnline" DataBase for MUServerLOW
Create "MuOnlin2" (yes, MuOnlin2) DataBase for MUServerHIGH
Restore each DB on each folder with his respective name
Create 2 ODBC Manually for each server
Configure each server how you want and connect databases to all .exe
In startup change ports for GameServer and DataServers for MuOnlin2
WARNING : Just START 1 Connect Server and 1 Joinserver
Configure connectserver : same ip for 2 servers and in server2 put 21 in servernumber, that show subserver in verticaly.
Well. i think thats all, just question anything you need