Increased Minor Box 10k to 20k Ruud in Blood Castle & Devil Square events.
Event Server update:Now allows up to 3 characters per player.
New Muun Drop Monsters Added

ouch of Blessing (Low Muun)Spawns in: Lost Tower, Icarus, Kalima 5, Adia.Fire Flame Ghost (High Muun)Spawns in: Raklion, Swamp of Peace, Kanturu Ruins, Kalima 7.Respawn time: 1 hour (random respawn location on the map).Invasion display issue is being worked on and will be fixed soon!
Increased Zen drop rate.
Increased Jewel drop rate across all maps.
Fixed Evomun invasion mechanics.
Monster respawn time adjusted:In high-level maps (after Deep Dungeon), monster respawn time reduced to 7 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Boss drop changes & GP reward system update:Bosses now drop Goblin Points (GP) to the entire party.For detailed drop information, check the sections below:〔

