[AD] ⚔️AvroraMU Season 20 NON-Reset Server OFFICIAL START 07/03/2025 20:00 ⚔️

2 Days Left before Grand Opening !!! AvRoRaMu Season 20 Ep 2-3 No Reset Hard Server !!! Come and enjoy with us !!!! http://avroramu.com


1 Day Left before Grand Opening !!! AvRoRaMu Season 20 Ep 2-3 No Reset Hard Server !!! Come and enjoy with us !!!! http://avroramu.com


Today Grand Opening !!! AvRoRaMu Season 20 Ep 2-3 No Reset Hard Server !!! Come and enjoy with us !!!! http://avroramu.com


We are Online Avroramu Season 20 Hard Server Long Term !!! Come and Enjoy with Us !!! http://avroramu.com Exp to 800 lv is increase like compensation !!!! Avroramu Season 20 Hard Come and be the best !!!

Increased Minor Box 10k to 20k Ruud in Blood Castle & Devil Square events.
Event Server update:Now allows up to 3 characters per player.
New Muun Drop Monsters Added:pouch of Blessing (Low Muun)Spawns in: Lost Tower, Icarus, Kalima 5, Adia.Fire Flame Ghost (High Muun)Spawns in: Raklion, Swamp of Peace, Kanturu Ruins, Kalima 7.Respawn time: 1 hour (random respawn location on the map).Invasion display issue is being worked on and will be fixed soon!
Increased Zen drop rate.
Increased Jewel drop rate across all maps.
Fixed Evomun invasion mechanics.
Monster respawn time adjusted:In high-level maps (after Deep Dungeon), monster respawn time reduced to 7 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Boss drop changes & GP reward system update:Bosses now drop Goblin Points (GP) to the entire party.For detailed drop information, check the sections below:⁠〔👾〕mini-boss⁠〔👾〕big-boss

AvroraMu Season 20 ep 1-3 Hard !!! Dynamic Exp Good GamePlay Friendly Players !!! http://avroramu.com Come and Enjoy with Us !!!!


Changelog 0.4
Increased Minor Box 10k to 20k Ruud in Blood Castle & Devil Square events.​

Event Server update:Now allows up to 3 characters per player.​

New Muun Drop Monsters Added:pouch of Blessing (Low Muun)Spawns in: Lost Tower, Icarus, Kalima 5, Adia.Fire Flame Ghost (High Muun)Spawns in: Raklion, Swamp of Peace, Kanturu Ruins, Kalima 7.Respawn time: 1 hour (random respawn location on the map).Invasion display issue is being worked on and will be fixed soon!​

Increased Zen drop rate.​

Increased Jewel drop rate across all maps.​

Fixed Evomun invasion mechanics.​

Monster respawn time adjusted:In high-level maps (after Deep Dungeon), monster respawn time reduced to 7 seconds (was 10 seconds).​

Boss drop changes & GP reward system update:Bosses now drop Goblin Points (GP) to the entire party.​

For detailed drop information, check the sections below:⁠〔👾〕mini-boss⁠〔👾〕big-boss​

EXP has been increased, and all items have been added to the shop and zen drop increases. General testing of everything is underway, and the official launch will be published soon!
Здравейте, приятели!Официалният старт на AvroraMU Season 20 вече е ясен! Той ще се състои на 7 март 2025 година от 20:00 часа.В момента е активен тест сървър, в който всички предмети са налични в магазина. Всеки, който желае, може да влезе и да избере с кой герой иска да играе. Това е идеалният момент да тествате различните класове и да решите кой най-добре отговаря на стила ви на игра.
Важно: Няма да се отговаря на тикети, свързани с оплаквания от типа „Моят герой не бие“ и подобни. Всеки герой е силен на различно ниво, затова използвайте тестовия период, за да намерите най-подходящия за вас!