[Help] От къде да промена кое по колко кредита да иска


New Member
Mar 20, 2010
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От къде мога да промена кредитите които ще иска от уеб шопа примерно за смяна на името ...
от webshop/wshconf.ini

$webshop['credits']['reset'] 		= 0; 	// Amount of credits required for a single reset (0 to disable reset shoping)
$webshop['credits']['classchg']		= 0;	// Amount of credits required for a class change (0 to disable class shoping)
$webshop['credits']['itemexl']		= 2;	// Amount of credits required for each extra excellent item option added to an item
$webshop['credits']['itemluck']		= 5;	// Amount of credits required to put luck on an item
$webshop['credits']['itemskill']	= 5;	// Amount of credits required to put skill on an item
$webshop['credits']['itemlvl']		= 2;	// Amount of credits required for each item level increased 
$webshop['credits']['itemopt']		= 2;	// Amount of credits required for each item option increased 
$webshop['credits']['ancient1']		= 13;	// Amount of credits required to put ancient option on your item (5 stamina)
$webshop['credits']['ancient2']		= 20;	// Amount of credits required to put ancient option on your item (10 stamina)
$webshop['credits']['zencasino']	= 0;	// Amount of credits required to tryout the zen casino (0 to disable the zen casino)
$webshop['credits']['creditcasino']	= 0;	// Amount of credits required to tryout the credit casino (0 to disable the credit casino). Recommended to be a low value
$webshop['credits']['unbanchar']	= 0;	// Amount of credits required to unban a banned character (0 to disable removal of bannishment for credits)
$webshop['credits']['points']		= 20;	// Credits per 5 points (e.g. -> if this is 10, 20 credits will cost 40 credits) (0 to disable)
$webshop['credits']['vip']		= 0;	// Amount of credits required for an user to buy himself the access to you vip server (0 to disable). Please set the ConnectMember.txt path in the misc settings
$webshop['credits']['multiplier']	= 1;	// Item Credits multiplier. Used for a massive promotions on items or permanent configuration. Normal:1
$webshop['credits']['zerocredit']	= 0;	// Show/Hide (1/0) Zero Credit items (not for sell) from the shop list
$webshop['credits']['fenrir_destroy']	= 40;	// Fenrir + Destroy credit cost (0 to disable)
$webshop['credits']['fenrir_protect']	= 40;	// Fenrir + Protect credit cost (0 to disable)
$webshop['credits']['golden_fenrir']	= 50;	// Golden Fenrir credit cost (0 to disable) v0.9
$webshop['credits']['zen']		= 0;	// Amount of zen that is bough with "1" credit (0 to disable)
$webshop['credits']['sellback_Q']	= 0;	// What part of the credits should a user receive for selling back his item (1 = 100% , 0.9 = 90% , ..) (0 to disable item reselling) (Default: 0) Setting this to a higher value than 1 will cause a credit bug !!
$webshop['credits']['announce']		= 0;	// Credits required to make an in-game GM-like announcement (Default: 50) (0 to disable global announcements) v0.9
$webshop['credits']['namechg']		= 0;	// Credits required to change a character name (Default: 1000) v0.9
$webshop['credits']['gmarkchg']		= 1000;	// Credits required to change a guild's mark (Default: 1000) v0.9
Търся някого които да ми помогне даси оправя уеб шопа и настройките на мобио за повече инфо скайп: rap_ap
29 Great Dragon Armor 1230
Това как да го направя да иска 600 кредита не 1230 и другите арморс да са така ..
29 Great Dragon Armor 1230
Това как да го направя да иска 600 кредита не 1230 и другите арморс да са така ..

Edit webshop.sql и го вкараи отново :)
Немога да разбера кода ще ме намериш ли на скайп support.depth.mu да обясниш ;п
Отиди в Enterprise manager в дб МуОнлайн, в таблица Webshop и в полето кредитс ши ти пише всеки итем колко струва.Едитваш си ги само :О