Making your SERVER operational privately as well as publically without Hamachi or other cheesy programs.
Setup your configs like this and it should work

For making it PUBLIC and for yourself to log in.
This setup is for a ROUTER setup.
1. Go to and make yourself a hostname. This is priority #1 if you wanna get your server public so friends can login.
2. Edit your HOST file so things can be forwarded to the right places.
HOSTS file is located under C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\HOSTS
In HOSTS file edit it to something like this localhost <---My Loopback address. Add this line. <---My Router Assigned pc's IP.Add your HOSTNAME that you made at <---My Internet & Wans IP address . Add your HOSTNAME that you made at
Should look something like this when done.
# localhost
done. Save.
3. Forwarding all the WOW server PORTS so that your PC can BE PUBLIC and so that your server can connect to clients.
In your ROUTERS settings make sure these ports are FORWARDED to your router assigned IP address. DMZ works also so make sure your router assigned IP address is set to the DMZ. This will open things up for the SERVER to be operational.
For my setting it's...
DMZ set to <---My router assigned IP address.
Forward all of these ports to UDP and TCP protocal.
APp Name can be anything just to clarify...
wowport1 3724
wowport2 8093
wowport3 3306
wowport4 8129
wowport5 80
wowport6 6112
wowport7 6881
wowport8 3036
wowport9 8050
wowport10 8130
Read your routers manual for more information on how to forward ports. Forwarding ports is a MUST before things even work right so study up on forwarding those ports I told ya to forward.
4. Editing the LogonServer config file.
Look for these three things and EDIT it as I show ya.
<LogonDatabase Hostname = "localhost"
Username = "root" <---Standard Username used by most repacks and developers.
Password = "ascent" <---Standard Password used by most repacks and developers.
Name = "logon" <---Standard SQL volume used. Usually it's Ascent_Character if you use WHYD.
Port = "3306"
Type = "1">
<Listen Host = "" <---Add your HOSTNAME that you made at
ISHost = "" <---Add your HOSTNAME that you made at
RealmListPort = "3724"
ServerPort = "8093">
<LogonServer RemotePassword = "ascent"
AllowedIPs = "" <---Router Assigned IP address. Pc's IP.
AllowedModIPs = ""> <---Router Assigned IP address. Pc's IP.
5. Editing the WORLD config file. Make sure the usernames, passwords, & sql names are correct. Usuaully people forget to edit this properly and the logon worlds cannot connect.
<WorldDatabase Hostname = "localhost" Username = "root" Password = "ascent" Name = "world" Port = "3306" Type = "1">
<CharacterDatabase Hostname = "localhost" Username = "root" Password = "ascent" Name = "logon" Port = "3306" Type = "1">
<Listen Host = "" <---Add your HOSTNAME that you made at
WorldServerPort = "8129">
6. Editing the Realms config file.
<LogonServer Address = "" <---Router Assigned IP address. Pc's IP.
Port = "8093"
Name = "Default Logon"
RealmCount = "1">
<Realm1 Name = "MC Testing(PvP)"
Address = "" <---Router's WAN IP address or Internet IP. Not your PC's IP.
Icon = "PVP"
Population = "1.0"
TimeZone = "1">
You can find out your Internet and WAN's IP address by .
Changing Address = "" to Address = "" will instantly make it PRIVATE but I usually just use public settings even if I myself play it. It's not like it's a bad thing if people login and play LMFAO.
It's pretty simple once you get it. Another important thing is that sometimes your ROUTER can automatically change your ASSIGNED IP address and this will disable the server completely so check that out if suddenly your server stops working and edit router assigned IP address to the new address. Wan and Internet IP address can also change depending on your ISP's mood.
I hope this helps those guys that are having NO REALM LIST, stuck at LOGIN, LOGGING IN issues.
omegatanker - writing the guide
k1ck3r - distributing it here
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