Search results

  1. P

    [Release] Mu Server Files 97D+3D Classic

    New link?
  2. P

    [Release] AFK for credits/zen script

    Blank page and no count afk time in dbo.Character...
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    [Help] MuEditor for season 16

    Can someone share mueditor for season 16 ? I search everywhere but i don`t find
  4. P

    [Release] Files ZxGames V6.0 Full Premium

    Someone test this files?
  5. P

    [Release] Files ZxGames V6.0 Full Premium

    What muweb is compatible/suggested?
  6. P

    [Release] DarksTeam V.097D Beta 43+Custom Maps

    Can you share the source ? What commands/new events have? And what ip in main please ,thanks
  7. P

    [Help] Raise agility

    The solution is to delete zeus.dll Is something coded there but i don`t find the line..if you find the line let me know too xD
  8. P

    [Help] Raise agility

    i check all .dll and nothing...hmm...strange...
  9. P

    [Help] Raise agility

    Why everytime when i open client i recive this window ? msn ? How can i disable that ? I check main but i don`t find any msc there...
  10. P

    [Help] Raise agility

    Hmm...i try again and i let you know bro,maybe i miss something
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    [Help] Sql commands

    Someone know or maybe can build one for sql querry for block acounts and for ban ip ? MuServer 97d+99i
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    [Help] Raise agility

    Still don't work.Another solution how to fix this?
  13. P

    [Help] MuServer DarksTeam 97d +15

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    [Help] GS crash after drop box of kundun + 1

    Install MSVC++ Redis x86 and x64 packages. Solve now?
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    [Help] MuServer DarksTeam 97d +15

    Someone know how to fix/add support items +15 ? I enable from DtData but items +15 still don't work...any solution?
  16. P

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    I try enable +15 items from DTData but still don't work.Anyone have a solution?
  17. P

    [Help] Dragons spawn

    Nothing spawn there...maybe must change map ...idk
  18. P

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    @HEROIN I need vote system not MuWeb.Thank you
  19. P

    [Help] Raise agility

    How can i raise agility for sm/mg to use evil spirits ? Maximum agility for use evil spirits for sm/mg is 16.000.Can i raise to 18.000 or 22.000 ? I use DarksTeam Muserver 97d+99i