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    [Req] Grand reset & trade hours online scripts

    Using Drake web
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    [Req] Grand reset & trade hours online scripts

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for Grand reset script and trade hours online. If someone have, share please :)
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    [Req] Hours exchange and GR

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    [Req] Hours exchange and GR

    Hello, someone have any good script for exchange hours online and grand reset? (think)
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    [Req] Castle Siege

    Meh, solved. Problem was in commonserver_cs.cfg.
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    [Req] Castle Siege

    Thanks for your help, but it didn't help :P
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    [Req] Castle Siege

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    [AD] LastMu S3 Ep1 Exp: 9999x Drop: 100%

    Information: - Server Name: LastMU - Version: Season 3 Episode 1 - Experience: 999999x - Item drop: 100% - Max Level: 400 - Points Per Level: 5/7 - Max Stats: 32767 - Reset Level: 400 - Reset Stats: No - Reset limit : No limit - Points Per Reset: 1000 - Zen for Reset: 15,000,000 -...
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    [Req] Castle Siege

    Hello guys, I wanna add Castle Siege, but when Im starting I see this 'Event Server disconnected' ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
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    [Req] Script

    Again problem :D After first exchanging it's okay, but after Im online 1 hour ingame, I have again this problem.
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    [Req] Script

    works, thanks :)
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    [Req] Script

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    [Req] Script

    Same problem :P
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    [Req] Script

    Script exchange hours and now it's not <NULL> but script don't reset hours to 0, script add 1-2 hours after exchanging and I can exchange again.
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    [Req] Script

    Script exchanging hours and also add hours :D
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    [Req] Fortumo

    Може ли някой да ми обясни как да конфигурационния скрипт forumo? Колко да довереник, за да получите пари за моя сметка?:)
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    [Req] Script

    Hello, I this script after exchanging is changing OnlineHours to <NULL> and now when im ingame it's also <NULL> and I can't exchange anymore hours. Can someone edit this script to change hours to 0, not <NULL>, please (wasntme)
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    [Release] OnSky MuWeb [Originall]
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    [Release] Fortumo - SMS Script (by LiskO)

    How to configure it for my fortumo account.. here is only the config for the muonline db..
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    [Release] Admin Panel for all webs

    How to ban account?