[Guide] How to configure SKY EVENT - 97D


Jun 10, 2012
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In this guide we will learn how to configure the sky event, an event is developed on an X map, which is entered through the NPC Sky Event. Which gives a configurable prize to the winner.

1. We go in our VPS to C: / MuServer / DTData and open the Events file.

2. We look for the lines:

Enable = Line that determines if the event is enabled or not, 1 = YES, 0 = NO
Duration = Duration of the event in minutes, we place the amount in an example number 30 minutes
MinLevel = Minimum level to enter the event
MinPlayers = Minimum amount of users to start the event
MinResets = Minimum number of resets to enter the event
MinGrandResets = Minimum amount of Grand Resets to enter the event
AllowKillers = Line that determines if the PK (Assassins) can play the event, 1 = YES, 0 = NO
AllowPvP = Line that determines if the characters can be killed in the event 1 = YES, 0 = NO
MaxPlayers = Maximum number of characters
RequireItem = Line that determines if a special item is needed to enter 1 = YES, 0 = NO
RequiredItemGroup = Group number of the item that is needed
RequiredItemID = Required item number
RequiredItemName = Name of the item needed in quotes, example "Chaos"
RequiredItemLevel = Level of the special item required (+ how much)
RequiredItemsCount = Number of items required
CreditsReward = Prize in credits for the winner (If webshop is used)

3. Prize setting: To set the prize in the same DTData folder and open the SkyEventReward file.


4. Explanation of each line: Place the explanation below the line in brackets.

[1] In this line we configure the group of the item, it is exactly the same as when we set up the item in a shop. The group number is found in elitem.kor.
[2] We configure the item number, it is exactly the same as when we set up the item in a shop. The item number is also found in the item.kor.
[3] We set the level that dropped the item (But how much dropping)
[4] We set whether the item dropped with SKILL or not (1 = YES, 0 = No)
[5] We set whether the item dropped with LUCK or not (1 = YES, 0 = NO)
[6] We set whether the item dropped with ADDITIONAL or not (1 = YES, 0 = NO)
[7] We set whether the item dropped Excelent or not (1 = YES, 0 = NO, 63 = Drope FULL OPTIONS)

5. Configuration of the monsters of the event: To configure the monsters will appear in the event, in the same folder DTData and open the file SkyEventMonsters

8. We will see a long list similar to the following:

6. File configuration: It is very easy to configure, I will place what each line means in brackets.

[1] Number of the mob that will be born in the event (It will continue to be born until it ends)
[2] X-coordinate in which the mob will be born in the event
[3] Cordenada And in which the mob will be born in the event

7. Event schedule configuration: For this we must edit the event schedule file (Event manager)