[AD] The2GaMe Mu 97d Ex 50 Drp 40 Hard Server 04.01.2022.22.00 gmt+2


New Member
Jan 2, 2022
Reaction score



*DDos:protection Premium
* Ver: 97d+99i
* Exp: 100x
* Drop: 70%
* Excellent drop Rate: 1/200
* Max level: 350
* Points Per level: BK/SM/ELF - 5 MG - 8
MaxResets: 15 Zen Resets: 10.000.000 zen
Max Stats for SM,ELF,BK = 7095 (+20 with quest at 15)
* Max Stats for MG : 8142
* Clear Skills on Resets: YES
* Clear Points on Resets: YES
* Clear Inventory And Chacter Items : YES!!
* Pk Clear (/pkclear in game) : 10.000.000 zen x KILL
* Golden Invasions every hour
Ingame Commands
* /add - add stats: /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene
* /post - global chat
* /pkclear - Yes
* /marry - Yes
*/quest - Yes (Check Quest progress)
* /online Yes (Check online ppl)
* /time Tak/Yes (Show server time)
Chaos Machine Success Rates:
Jewel of Soul : 55% / +Luck : 70%
Jewel of Life : 55%
Items +10 : 65%
Items +11 : 60%
2nd level Wings Success rate : 80%
Server Events:
* Blood Castle Event
* Devil Square Event
* Happy Hour
* Party exp event
* Lucky Jevels
* Sky Event(HOT)
Special Event Rewards
* Blood Castle (1/6) (+1/+5) Box of Kundun
GOOD LUCK | The2Game MU Online Servers

* Max Stats for MG : 8142

* Clear Skills on Resets: YES

* Clear Points on Resets: YES

* Clear on Sets: YES

* Reset in Game Command On : No!(Just Websit )

* Clear Inventory And Chacter Items : YES!!

* Pk Clear : 10.000.000 zen x KILL

Ingame Commands
* /add - add stats: /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene
* /post - global chat

* /marry - Yes
*/quest - Yes (Check Quest progress)
* /online Yes (Check online ppl)
* /time Tak/Yes (Show server time)

Chaos Machine Success Rates:

Jewel of Soul : 70% / +Luck : 75%

Jewel of Life : 75%

Items +10 : 70%

Items +11 : 60%

2nd level Wings Success rate : 80%

Server Event:

* Golden Invasions every hours

* Blood Castle Event

* Devil Square Event

* Happy Hour x100

* Party exp event

* Lucky Mixes (New)

* Lucky Jevels

* Sky Event

* Quest System

Special Event Rewards
* Blood Castle (1/6) (+1/+5) Box of Kundun

wep : http://the2gamemu.com/
Last edited:
I'm sorry but your website seems to have a bug, it only shows a youtube video and none of the links works.