As the title says, this is a simple mu anticheat that can do the following:
1. Scan cheat based in (32 bytes of memory) fingerprint (136 dumps).
2. Recursive scanning of window title, a target name of cheat engine will match all program with cheat engine word in it no matter what is the capitalization. You can add max of 10 names.
3. File CRC comparison technique, you can add a max of 2.
4. Client startup logo loading, you can freely modify the bitmap file inside MuGuard folder.
DLL will read its data from list.dat file, this is encrypted file. This file contains the CRC and cheat names data. A tool is included ,inside tool folder in the package, to produce this list.dat from list.ini file. List.ini is a text file where you can add CRC and cheat names data.
Here is how list.ini looks like, where you can edit values. Its obvious that you have to increment count valu
1. Scan cheat based in (32 bytes of memory) fingerprint (136 dumps).
2. Recursive scanning of window title, a target name of cheat engine will match all program with cheat engine word in it no matter what is the capitalization. You can add max of 10 names.
3. File CRC comparison technique, you can add a max of 2.
4. Client startup logo loading, you can freely modify the bitmap file inside MuGuard folder.
DLL will read its data from list.dat file, this is encrypted file. This file contains the CRC and cheat names data. A tool is included ,inside tool folder in the package, to produce this list.dat from list.ini file. List.ini is a text file where you can add CRC and cheat names data.
Here is how list.ini looks like, where you can edit values. Its obvious that you have to increment count valu
count = 2
0 = 77286090
1 = 297457b2
0 = data\\local\\item.bmd
1 = data\\player\\player.bmd
count = 10
0 = speed gear
1 = cheat engine
2 = moonlight engine
3 = hithack
4 = gproxy
5 = speederxp
6 = hasty mu
7 = artmoney
8 = xspeed
9 = wpe pro
When you run CreateDAT.exe (included in tool folder), it will create a file list.dat from list.ini which look like this. This is what you need to put inside MuGuard folder, muguard.dll will take data from this file.:
f1x - memory scan idea
leo123 - window title idea
me ofc
[03-01-2010 - ver]
* muguard.dll, createdat.exe and list.ini updated, now its using my full version encryption.
[05-01-2010 - ver update]
* muguard.dll and list.ini updated. Added the following section in list.ini to bind dll and dat file, main = main.exe client crc value (small letter).
f1x - memory scan idea
leo123 - window title idea
me ofc
[03-01-2010 - ver]
* muguard.dll, createdat.exe and list.ini updated, now its using my full version encryption.
[05-01-2010 - ver update]
* muguard.dll and list.ini updated. Added the following section in list.ini to bind dll and dat file, main = main.exe client crc value (small letter).
main = main.exe_crc_value