[Help] Season 3 Episode 2 Problems


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Jan 25, 2012
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DarksTeam Official Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25 - DarksTeam Forum

I test this server I love it` but i have few problems !

1. Skill not save !
2. When you create a new caracter appear a skill whit no name and no working I wanna detele !
3. Client it`s okey Aida Season 3 Ep 2, Megaupload is dead and i don`t find the original client
4. I need Item.bmd and item(kor).txt because have +2 items on shadows and the problems in in the client and server not organized whit this server.
5. Register account whit mucore 2 db not working some solution for this ?

And more a ill come back !

Thx and respect for your working
1. DB or dataserver problem.
2. Dont use editors.
3. You can use aidamu client.
4. -
5. It works.
Ok can you give db good maybe that the problemes whit mucore page and more problems.

The db si md5 or ?

Can give Dataserver good ?

md5 off i was test this files and work perfect.
Sorry for my bad english :)
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ok but how to enable md5 on ?

I used md5 mucore ! and i wanna make md5 on ! :D

Cand you give me JS whit md5 on and query md5 on :D pls
Unable to register, reason: system error, please contact administrator.
I try to make a new account for test in mucore 1.0.6 and this is the error !

I make setting md5/off and new test on md5/on .... not solution for that !

Somting to say about this ?
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For DarkMaster

mucore error
(mssql): SELECT memb___id FROM MEMB_INFO where upper(memb___id) = upper(?) [ (0=>'kryssdeve') ] sp_executesql N'SELECT memb___id FROM MEMB_INFO where upper(memb___id) = upper(@P0)',N'@P0 NVARCHAR(9)',@P0=N'kryssdeve'
(mssql): SELECT mail_addr FROM MEMB_INFO where upper(mail_addr) = upper(?) [ (0=>'[email protected]') ] sp_executesql N'SELECT mail_addr FROM MEMB_INFO where upper(mail_addr) = upper(@P0)',N'@P0 NVARCHAR(19)',@P0=N'[email protected]'
(mssql): INSERT INTO MEMB_INFO (memb___id,memb__pwd,memb_name,sno__numb,bloc_code,ctl1_code,mail_chek,mail_addr,appl_days,modi_days,out__days,true_days,SecretQuestion,SecretAnswer,Country,Gender,confirmed,activation_id) VALUES (?,[dbo].[fn_md5](?,?),?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) [ (0=>'kryssdeve') (1=>'kryssdeve') (2=>'kryssdeve') (3=>'test') (4=>'111111111111') (5=>'0') (6=>'0') (7=>'1') (8=>'[email protected]') (9=>'01/29/2012') (10=>'01/29/2012') (11=>'2005-01-03') (12=>'2005-01-03') (13=>'5') (14=>'bobby') (15=>'165') (16=>'1') (17=>'1') (18=>'16351288b09c67b70967831ce63f4176') ] sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO MEMB_INFO (memb___id,memb__pwd,memb_name,sno__numb,bloc_code,ctl1_code,mail_chek,mail_addr,appl_days,modi_days,out__days,true_days,SecretQuestion,SecretAnswer,Country,Gender,confirmed,activation_id) VALUES (@P0,[dbo].[fn_md5](@P1,@P2),@P3,@P4,@P5,@P6,@P7,@P8,@P9,@P10,@P11,@P12,@P13,@P14,@P15,@P16,@P17,@P18); select SCOPE_IDENTITY()',N'@P0 NVARCHAR(9), @P1 NVARCHAR(9), @P2 NVARCHAR(9), @P3 NVARCHAR(4), @P4 NVARCHAR(12), @P5 NVARCHAR(1), @P6 NVARCHAR(1), @P7 NVARCHAR(1), @P8 NVARCHAR(19), @P9 NVARCHAR(10), @P10 NVARCHAR(10), @P11 NVARCHAR(10), @P12 NVARCHAR(10), @P13 NVARCHAR(1), @P14 NVARCHAR(5), @P15 NVARCHAR(3), @P16 NVARCHAR(1), @P17 NVARCHAR(1), @P18 NVARCHAR(32)',@P0=N'kryssdeve', @P1=N'kryssdeve', @P2=N'kryssdeve', @P3=N'test', @P4=N'111111111111', @P5=N'0', @P6=N'0', @P7=N'1', @P8=N'[email protected]', @P9=N'01/29/2012', @P10=N'01/29/2012', @P11=N'2005-01-03', @P12=N'2005-01-03', @P13=N'5', @P14=N'bobby', @P15=N'165', @P16=N'1', @P17=N'1', @P18=N'16351288b09c67b70967831ce63f4176'

Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: message: Invalid object name 'dbo.fn_md5'. (severity 16) in C:\xampp\htdocs\engine\adodb\drivers\adodb-mssql.inc.php on line 758

Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: Query failed in C:\xampp\htdocs\engine\adodb\drivers\adodb-mssql.inc.php on line 758
208: Invalid object name 'dbo.fn_md5'.

ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO MEMB_INFO (memb___id,memb__pwd,memb_name,sno__numb,bloc_code,ctl1_code,mail_chek,mail_addr,appl_days,modi_days,out__..., Array[19]) % line 1116, file: adodb.inc.php
ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO MEMB_INFO (memb___id,memb__pwd,memb_name,sno__numb,bloc_code,ctl1_code,mail_chek,mail_addr,appl_days,modi_days,out__..., Array[19]) % line 228, file: register.php
include(C:\xampp\htdocs\pages_modules\register.php) % line 1132, file: index.php
include(C:\xampp\htdocs\template\default\index.php) % line 137, file: index.php
Run this in query analyzer, muonline database.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_md5] (@data VARCHAR(10), @data2 VARCHAR(10))
EXEC master.dbo.XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal @data, @data2, @hash OUT
RETURN @hash
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Reactions: DeVelopeR
Sorry for this, but aidamu client not availuable. Another suggestion? thanks for your time in advance
Somebody can give me client for that client files please!
Някой може ли да ми даде клиента за тези файлове че не мога да го намеря!