[AD] Searching Web Developer and Server Configurator as Partners


New Member
Apr 23, 2022
Reaction score
Hi everyone ,

We are working with one of dev team of season 6 episode 3 mu online , to create of the best MU servers (I'm actually GM on top MU Online servers) I have lots of players and experience in mu online and many of them are waiting my server to be opened. We are searching for web developer and Server Configurator as a partners to work with us and improve website/gameplay features. If you are interested to be part of our team , we can offer you % from our donations once server will be opened. ( My target for the first server we gonna open is about 500 online with 4-5k donations per month ) if you are interested please tell me approx. % , on which y gonna agree to work with us.-

Write me in DM with your offer and more details !

My Discord is : OpineL#5180

Thanks !