[Release] SCFMT 10.03.70 Repack By DarksTeam Update 6


Staff member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
Update 6
DataServers errors fixed
& some little corrections

Client: Click Here

Recommended OS's (on windows xp gs crash when create guild)

Windows Server 2003, 2008, Windows Vista & Windows 7

Run this scripts in query analyzer - MuOnline db
alter table memb_info add SCFWareVipCount int Not NULL default 0

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BotPet] (
[AccountID] [varchar] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[Name] [nvarchar] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[cLevel] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Class] [tinyint] NULL ,
[Experience] [bigint] NULL ,
[Power] [smallint] NULL ,
[Defense] [smallint] NULL ,
[Inventory] [varbinary] (1728) NULL ,
[MagicList] [varbinary] (180) NULL ,
[Life] [real] NOT NULL ,
[MaxLife] [real] NOT NULL ,
[Mana] [real] NOT NULL ,
[MaxMana] [real] NOT NULL ,
[MapNumber] [smallint] NULL ,
[MapPosX] [smallint] NULL ,
[MapPosY] [smallint] NULL ,
[CDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[BotLife] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotMaxLife] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotLvlUpDefense] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotLvlUpPower] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotLvlUpLife] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotLvlUpMana] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotLvlUpExp] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotLvlUpMaxLevel] [int] NOT NULL

Bot Pet Commands
/botpet create X name
/botpet followme
/botpet freeze
/botpet stats
/botpet skill NUM
/botpet life
/botpet mana
/botpet invoke
/botpet cry
/botpet hi
/botpet cheer
/botpet sir
/botpet bye
/botpet respect
/botpet comeon
/botpet win
/botpet hehe
/botpet dance


VER: 10.03.70
. [Reset] Fix on SP Reset System
. [Duel] Sometimes two different duel parties will end up in the same room
. [Buffs] Summoner Buffs can attack in safe zone FIX
. [Warehouse] Extra Warehouse Re-Enabled
. [Warehouse] Anti-Dupe Added for multivault
. [Anti-Hack] Implemented Attack map and distance detection system on Normal Attacks (fixed false positives)
. [CastleSiege] Improve Gates and Statues FIXED

VER: 10.03.60 - 18/02/2010

. [CastleSiege] Crown time FIXED
. [TradeMix] Multiple Fixes implemented
. [BotPet] Cant Enter/Invoked into event or duel map (when you enter bot exit from game)
. [Anti-Hack] Implemented Attack map and distance detection system on SKILLS
. [Anti-Hack] Implemented Attack map and distance detection system on Normal Attacks
. [Crystal Edition][SCFVipShop] Control of items added
. [Crystal Edition][SCFVipShop] AntiHack Control Added
. [Crystal Edition][SCFVipShop] Server Side Implemented
. [Crystal Edition][SCFVipShop] Added new SCFVipShop with interface - Client Side Implemented

VER: 10.03.54 - 11/02/2010
. [BotPet] LevelUp Mana FIX
. [Item] Added full support of all items to +15 (Implemented MAX_ITEM_LEVEL define)
. [BotPet] /botpet stats command remaked
. [BotPet] Max Level Fixed
. [WinLicense] Files now run again on Windows XP without compromise security.

VER: 10.03.52 - 9/02/2010
. [Warehouse] Anti-Flood (Must Wait 3 seconds before open it again with multivault)
. [BotPet] Allow Change Skill System (More than one skill in each BotPet)
. [BotPet] Calc Stats on LevelUp improved

VER: 10.03.49 - 9/02/2010
. [CastleSiege] Lag fixed when you enter in Crown Room
. [CustomQuest] Doesnt come mail FIX (SQL FIX + GS FIX)
. [BotPet] Inform life when life its < 40
. [BotPet] New commands
. [Server] Crash on /botpet Command FIX
. [Crystal Pack] Addons and Fixes - Crystal Pack Ready

VER: 10.03.43 [Advanced Package Only]
. [BotPet] Cant Trade or Party With inform ADD
. [ChaosCard] WPE Injection FIX
. [Server] Option added for show/unshow when gages go to max
. [TradeMix] Little bugs FIX
. [Skill] Some Skills effects attack Cannon Tower by higher rates FIX
. [BotPet] New feature BotPet only for VIPs
. [Party] SCFMaxPartyLevelDiferense Option Added
. [Server] T Bug Final Fix
. [Character] Added options for MagicAttack

VER: 10.03.38 [Advanced Package Only]
. [Security] Internal Protocol Changes
. [Crystal Edition] Preparing for release.
. [Crystal Edition] Added Main client control.
. [Crystal Edition] Added 64 new wings with their mixes.
. [Crystal Edition] Started new branch for SCF Main Addon

VER: 10.03.33 [Advanced Package Only]
. [BotPet] Initial Release
. [TradeMix] Fixed tipo issue.

VER: 10.03.29 [Advanced Package Only]
. [Protocol] PacketChecksum added

VER: 10.03.23
. [New Custom System] TradeMix (Use that not used items and transform them on cool items)
. [New Custom System] Multi Warehouse

VER: 10.03.15
. [Skill] Added Elf Aura Buffs Time Control
. [Skill] UnSleep Monsters FIX
. [Skill] Explotion Skill make more dmg
. [CastleSiege] Dont apply Summoner Buffs to Tower, Doors, Statues
. [Exp] Added 3 Different System on SCF_ExtraExp.ini
. [PK] Added PK Item Drop Options

Credits: WebZen, SCFMT, Plasma & DarksTeam


  • SCFMT 10.03.70 Repack By DarksTeam.rar
    5.6 MB · Views: 786
DataServers errors fixed
& some little corrections

Точно тоя фикс ми трябваше, благодаря много..
само едно въпросче пак идиотско: кои точно са фикснатите файлове :)
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add a client to work full for this muserver
DarkMaster in what files you made changes? Can you uploud patch for ver 5? Thanks;)
Аре нали щеше да оправиш бъговете на мана шилда на 97д+99и или не можа да ги оправиш или не искаше.
Добър ден на всички ,
Имам следния проблем катo пусна сървъра сичко си е ОК само че като влезна в клиента и дам на конект сървъра да влезна в игра и ме дисконектва от кво може да идва тфа ?? ;[
Добър ден на всички ,
Имам следния проблем катo пусна сървъра сичко си е ОК само че като влезна в клиента и дам на конект сървъра да влезна в игра и ме дисконектва от кво може да идва тфа ?? ;[

някъде си смотал IP адресите, най-вероятно, прегледай внимателно всичко :)
Maby there is any ideas how to let GS work properly on windows XP, I'am talking about guild. Please me know about this ;]


And also I want to add one thing, where exactly I need to change Ip to mine and where i have to leave Sorry for stupid quastion, I hope you will understand because, we all have to start from something.

With respect,
GomatoX. :)
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Thx Dark all work well!
Plz add 1.07g patch with worked teleports for this server.
And also I want to add one thing, where exactly I need to change Ip to mine and where i have to leave Sorry for stupid quastion, I hope you will understand because, we all have to start from something.

With respect,
GomatoX. :)

u need to change IPs only in ConnectServer(WAN IP), MapServerInfo(LAN IP) and IPList(here put all IP -, LAN and WAN). Everywhere leave
IP Changes:

SQL Password Changes:
Server work good, but one big problem - Monster HP Bug!!!
wtf ... Recommended OS's (on windows xp gs crash when create guild) дарк оправи го :D повечето са с прозореца хп
In all events drops normal items, not exellent!
How configurate?

//	EventName		DropZen		NA	NA 	NA 	  NA 		ItemDropRate	ExRate
	"DoubleGoerTreasure"		10000000	0	0	 0	  0		100		1000

ExRate - 1000 - Is maximum, but ex items doesn`t drop
wtf ... Recommended OS's (on windows xp gs crash when create guild) дарк оправи го :D повечето са с прозореца хп

след 3 месеца майкрософт прекратява поддръжката на Windows XP, защо да се зори да го оправя след като всички ще са принудени да изхвърлят XP ... ;)
Защо да го изхвърляш ? Просто прекратяват Updates ! Не използването на ХП :)