- Joined
- Jan 18, 2009
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I came to possession of some interesting files...
A friend of mine sent me these files cuz i wanted some socket and harmony enchanting scripts from web... As far as i am aware of they are from the s-y private webshop (v2) and i cant seem to get it how they function w/o the rest of the files which my mate doesn't want to give away ...
(no template, no config, no core)
I give you the files with the hope that someone can give me the other functions and the core of this shop :S
A friend of mine sent me these files cuz i wanted some socket and harmony enchanting scripts from web... As far as i am aware of they are from the s-y private webshop (v2) and i cant seem to get it how they function w/o the rest of the files which my mate doesn't want to give away ...
(no template, no config, no core)
I give you the files with the hope that someone can give me the other functions and the core of this shop :S
S-y Mu WebShop v2 Socket Enchanter Plugin
[email protected]
$xml = xml2var(file_get_contents('./cfg/sockets.xml'));
$cfg = $xml['main'];
if ( $cfg['enabled'] != 1 )
{// Check if enabled
header('location: Index.php');
$sockets = Array( );
$sockets[0] = 'No Socket';
foreach( $cfg['sockets'] as $sockid => $sockname )
{// Make sure all socket IDs are valid
$sockets[str_replace('_', '', $sockid)] = addslashes($sockname);
// Smaartyyyy
$stpl = new Smarty;
$stpl->compile_check= true;
$stpl->debugging = false;
$stpl->template_dir = $cfgmain['tplpath'].'/'.$cfgmain['template'];
if ( @$_SESSION['sy_user'] )
{// Case we are logged in
require_once './inc/db.connect.php';
include_once './inc/ws_parseitem.php';
$stpl->assign('user', $_SESSION["sy_user"]);
// Parse warehouse contents
$query = $db->query("
if exists(select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#Items')) drop table #Items;
create table #Items(Item varchar(32));
declare @item varbinary(16), @i int;
set @i = 0;
while (@i<120) begin
set @item=(select substring(Items, (@i*16)+1, 16) from [Warehouse] where [AccountId]='".substr($_SESSION['sy_user'], 0, 10)."');
if (@item!=0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) insert into #Items(Item) VALUES(@item);
set @i = @i+1;
select Item from #Items;");
$sockEnabledItems = Array( );
$_ie = Array( );
while ($query->fetchInto($res))
{// Check if each item has sockets enabled
$res = bin2hex($res[0]);
$item = parseitem($res);
if (@$item['socket'])
{// Case we have an item that has sockets enabled
$lvl = $item['level']==0 ? '' : ' +'. $item['level'];
$sockEnabledItems[] = Array(
str_split(substr($res, -10, 10), 2)
$_ie["$res"] = 1;
foreach ($_POST as $item)
if ( (strlen($item)==32) && ($_POST[1]>0 || $_POST[2]>0 || $_POST[3]>0 || $_POST[4]>0 || $_POST[5]>0) )
{// Do The Works
$err = 0;
$shells = 0;
$item = substr($item,0,32);
if (@$cfg["no_socket_diplicity"])
{// Ensure that no socket options are multiplied
$checker= $_POST;
$tmpArr = Array( );
$i = 0;
while ($i<$cfg['max_sockets'])
{// Loop throught all sockets
if (@$tmpArr[$checker[$i]]==1 && $checker[$i]>0)
$err=1;// ECode #1 > Duplicity Error
$tmpArr[$checker[$i]] = 1;
if (@$_ie[$item]!=1)
$err = 3; // ECode #3 > Invalid item selected
$olditem = $item;
$newitem = $olditem;
$i = 0;
while ($i<$cfg['max_sockets'])
$sock[$i] = (int)$_POST[$i];
if (!$sockets[$sock[$i]])
$err = 2;// Ecode #2 > Invalid Socket ID
if ($sock[$i]>0)
$shells += $cfg['shell_per_socket'];
$prenew = $newitem;
$newitem = substr_replace($newitem, sprintf("%02X", $sock[$i]), 20+($i*2), 2);
//print $newitem."(".strlen($newitem).")<BR>".$prenew."(".strlen($prenew).")<BR><BR>";#debug
if (strtolower($prenew)==strtolower($newitem)&&$rm==1)
$shells -= $cfg['shell_per_socket'];
elseif (hexdec(substr($prenew,20+($i*2), 2))>0 && $rm==1)
$shells -= round($cfg['shell_per_socket']/2);
if (sh3lls($_SESSION["sy_user"])<$shells)
$err=4;// ECode #4 > Insufficient Shell Amount.
if ($err==0)
{// Case Everything is okay
$z = 0;
$removed= 0;
$itemz = array();
$itemz[]= '0x';
while ($z<120)
$query =& $db->query("select substring(Items,".($z*16+1).",16) from warehouse where AccountId='".$_SESSION['sy_user']."'");
if ($removed==0 && bin2hex($row[0])==$olditem)
$itemz[]= $newitem;
$itemz[]= bin2hex($row[0]);
if ($removed==1)
wlog("ENCHANT_ITEM",array($olditem, $newitem ,$shells));
$db->query("update warehouse set items=".implode('',$itemz)." where accountid='".$_SESSION['sy_user']."'");
} else $err=3;
$stpl->assign('socket_array', $sockets);
$stpl->assign('socket_array2', array_keys($sockets));
$stpl->assign('myconfig', $cfg);
$stpl->assign('items', $sockEnabledItems);
@$stpl->assign('err', $err);
S-y Mu WebShop v2 Harmony Enchanter Plugin
[email protected]
$err = 0;
$method = @(int)$_GET['do'];
$harm = new Smarty;
$harm->compile_check = true;
$harm->debugging = false;
$harm->template_dir = $cfgmain['tplpath'].'/'.$cfgmain['template'];
$xml = xml2var(file_get_contents('./cfg/harmony.xml'));
$cfg = $xml['main'];
if ($cfg['enabled']!=1) $harm->assign('err',1);
elseif (@!$_SESSION['sy_user']) $harm->assign('err',2);
else {// Start the proccess
require_once './inc/db.connect.php';
include_once './inc/ws_parseitem.php';
// Parse warehouse contents
$query = $db->query("if exists(select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#Items')) drop table #Items;
create table #Items(Item varchar(32));
declare @item varbinary(16), @i int;
set @i = 0;
while (@i<120) begin
set @item=(select substring(Items, (@i*16)+1, 16) from [Warehouse] where [AccountId]='".substr($_SESSION['sy_user'], 0, 10)."');
if (@item!=0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) insert into #Items(Item) VALUES(@item);
set @i = @i+1;
select Item from #Items;");
$ItemArray = Array ( );
$_ie = Array ( );
while ($query->fetchInto($res))
$res = bin2hex($res[0]);
$item = parseitem($res);
if (@$item['canRefine'])
$lvl = $item['level']==0?'':' +'.$item['level'];
$ItemArray[] = Array("$res", $item["name"].$lvl);
$_ie["$res"] = 1;
if ($method==1)
if (@$_ie["$item"]!=1) $err=3;
$info = parseitem($item);
$info['hex'] = $item;
$harm->assign('item', $info);
if ($method==2)
$item = @substr($_GET["enchant_item"],0,32);
$olditem = $item;
if (@$_ie["$item"]!=1) $err=3;
$enchantby = (int)$_GET["harmony"];
if ($enchantby>10||$enchantby<1) $err=4; else
$item = str_split($item,1);
if ($item[20]>0) $shells=$cfg['shell_for_change'];
else $shells=$cfg['shell_for_add'];
if (sh3lls($_SESSION["sy_user"])<$shells) die("Insufficient shells");
$item[20] = dechex($enchantby);
if ($enchantby<5) $enchantwith=15;
else $enchantwith=13;
$item[21] = dechex($enchantwith);
$newitem = implode('', $item);
$z = 0;
$removed= 0;
$itemz = array();
$itemz[]= '0x';
while ($z<120)
$query =& $db->query("select substring(Items,".($z*16+1).",16) from warehouse where AccountId='".$_SESSION['sy_user']."'");
if ($removed==0 && bin2hex($row[0])==$olditem)
$itemz[]= $newitem;
$itemz[]= bin2hex($row[0]);
if ($removed==1)
wlog("ENCHANT_ITEM_H",array($olditem, $newitem ,$shells));
$db->query("update warehouse set items=".implode('',$itemz)." where accountid='".$_SESSION['sy_user']."'");
$harm->assign('method', $method);
$harm->assign('myconfig', $cfg);
$harm->assign('items', $ItemArray);
$harm->assign('cfg', $cfg);
$harm->assign('err', $err);