- Server Name: OKMU
- Season: Season 3 Episode 1
- Server Exp: 9999x
- General Item Drop: 50%
- Maximum Level: 400
- Guild Create Level: 150
- Max Level Buff Elf Soldier: 220
-LVL up point 10/10
- Website Player Market: On
- Server Location: Sweden
- Bless Bug: Off
- Max Jewel of Life Option: 28
- 380 Level Items
- MG and DL Create Level: 1/1
-After reset reward 1 credit
-Vote reward 20 credit
-Referal reward 20 credits
WEBSITE LINK: http://okmu.net
REGISTER LINK: https://okmu.net/registration
DOWNLOAD LINK: https://okmu.net/downloads
DISCORD INVITE LINK: https://discord.com/invite/M5ha5UCu