
NephilimMU Season 6 Episode 3
Experience: x5000
Drop: 60%
Points per level: 5/7
Max Stats: 32767
Max Level: 400
Reset Level: 400
Reset on Spot: Yes
WebShop: Yes
Create Guild Level : 100
Reset in game = 75 WCoinC
Trade Online Time ( 1Hour = 500WCoinC)
Ancient + Excellent F.O ( Tier 1 / 2 )
Exe + Socket (No Multi Socket)
Vote Reward
Can vote and earn credits every 12 hours. Reward - WcoinsC.
Success Rates
Jewel of Bless Rate: 100%
Jewel of Soul Rate: 100%
Jewel of Life Rate: 100%
Jewel of Harmony Rate: 100%
Chaos Machine
Item + 10: 100%
Item + 11: 100%
Item + 12: 100%
Item + 13 :100%
Item + 14 :100%
Item + 15 :100%
Castle Siege
Blood Castle
Golden Invasion
Devil Square
Chaos Castle
Illusion Temple
CryWolf Defense
PartyGeneralExperience1 = 130 %
PartyGeneralExperience2 = 140 %
PartyGeneralExperience3 = 150 %
PartyGeneralExperience4 = 160 %
PartyGeneralExperience5 = 170 %
/move "Use: /move"
/guildwar "Use: /guildwar "
/guildsoccer "Use: /guildsoccer "
/request "Use: /request <'on', 'off' or 'auto'"
/post "Use: /post "
/addstr "Use: /addstr or /addstr auto "
/addagi "Use: /addagi or /addagi auto "
/addvit "Use: /addvit or /addvit auto "
/addene "Use: /addene or /addene auto "
/addcmd "Use: /addcmd or /addcmd auto Only for Dark Lord"
/pkclear "Use: '/pkclear' to clear your level pk."
/money "Use: /money "
/evo "Use: '/evo' to evolve"
/ware "Use: /ware "
/reset "Use: /reset"
/offstore "Use: '/offstore' to sell while disconnected."
/offattack "Use: '/offattack' to leave AFK being disconnected."
/clearinv "Use: '/clearinv' to clean your inventory."
/readd "Use: '/readd' to reset your points"
/treereset "Use: /treereset or /treereset <1, 2, 3"
/marry "Use: /marry "
/accept "Use: '/accept' to accept a marriage proposal"
/divorce "Use: '/divorce' to divorce"
/trackmarry "Use: '/trackmarry' to locate your couple."
Boss/Event Drops
Blood Castle: Jewel of Chaos
Chaos Castle: jawels of bless, jawels of soul, jawels of chaos , jawels of harmony
White Wizard: jawels of bless and jawels of chaos
Medusa: jawels of bless, jawelss of soul, jawels of chaos , jawels of harmony
X:128 Y:164
X:133 Y:167
X:127 Y:163
X:133 Y:162
X:135 Y:169
Red Dragon: jawels of bless, jawelss of soul, jawels of chaos
kundun: ancient items spawned in Lorencia cmentary and Kalima 7
Selupan: exe items and ancient with 4 options and reward for kill 100 WCoinC and WcoinP
box of luck --> sphare 5
Official website:

NephilimMU Season 6 Episode 3
Experience: x5000
Drop: 60%
Points per level: 5/7
Max Stats: 32767
Max Level: 400
Reset Level: 400
Reset on Spot: Yes
WebShop: Yes
Create Guild Level : 100
Reset in game = 75 WCoinC
Trade Online Time ( 1Hour = 500WCoinC)
Ancient + Excellent F.O ( Tier 1 / 2 )
Exe + Socket (No Multi Socket)

Can vote and earn credits every 12 hours. Reward - WcoinsC.

Jewel of Bless Rate: 100%
Jewel of Soul Rate: 100%
Jewel of Life Rate: 100%
Jewel of Harmony Rate: 100%

Item + 10: 100%
Item + 11: 100%
Item + 12: 100%
Item + 13 :100%
Item + 14 :100%
Item + 15 :100%

Castle Siege
Blood Castle
Golden Invasion
Devil Square
Chaos Castle
Illusion Temple
CryWolf Defense

PartyGeneralExperience1 = 130 %
PartyGeneralExperience2 = 140 %
PartyGeneralExperience3 = 150 %
PartyGeneralExperience4 = 160 %
PartyGeneralExperience5 = 170 %

/move "Use: /move"
/guildwar "Use: /guildwar "
/guildsoccer "Use: /guildsoccer "
/request "Use: /request <'on', 'off' or 'auto'"
/post "Use: /post "
/addstr "Use: /addstr or /addstr auto "
/addagi "Use: /addagi or /addagi auto "
/addvit "Use: /addvit or /addvit auto "
/addene "Use: /addene or /addene auto "
/addcmd "Use: /addcmd or /addcmd auto Only for Dark Lord"
/pkclear "Use: '/pkclear' to clear your level pk."
/money "Use: /money "
/evo "Use: '/evo' to evolve"
/ware "Use: /ware "
/reset "Use: /reset"
/offstore "Use: '/offstore' to sell while disconnected."
/offattack "Use: '/offattack' to leave AFK being disconnected."
/clearinv "Use: '/clearinv' to clean your inventory."
/readd "Use: '/readd' to reset your points"
/treereset "Use: /treereset or /treereset <1, 2, 3"
/marry "Use: /marry "
/accept "Use: '/accept' to accept a marriage proposal"
/divorce "Use: '/divorce' to divorce"
/trackmarry "Use: '/trackmarry' to locate your couple."

Blood Castle: Jewel of Chaos
Chaos Castle: jawels of bless, jawels of soul, jawels of chaos , jawels of harmony
White Wizard: jawels of bless and jawels of chaos
Medusa: jawels of bless, jawelss of soul, jawels of chaos , jawels of harmony
X:128 Y:164
X:133 Y:167
X:127 Y:163
X:133 Y:162
X:135 Y:169
Red Dragon: jawels of bless, jawelss of soul, jawels of chaos
kundun: ancient items spawned in Lorencia cmentary and Kalima 7
Selupan: exe items and ancient with 4 options and reward for kill 100 WCoinC and WcoinP
box of luck --> sphare 5