Hello Dark Steam Community,
I am excited to introduce the Morgana MU Online Server to all of you! I've dedicated many hours to testing and shaping the server's economy, and have added several unique features to enhance your gameplay experience. Morgana MU Server offers a limited Xshop for WCoins, alongside a more expansive shop for GP and Ruud. In addition, we host a variety of events at different times, with fantastic rewards up for grabs!
I truly hope you enjoy your time here and look forward to seeing you in the game!
Best regards, Morgana MU Staff
Website: Morgana MU Online
Full Server INFO: https://morgana-mu.com/about
Registration will open 48 hours before the launch!
GRAND OPENING: 04/04/2025 (exact time will be posted later)
Server information short version:
(complete description can be found on the website)
Server Rates & Features
EXP Rate: x50 (XP seals & pets available for GP & WC)
Master Level XP: x30 (Master seals available for GP & WC)
Drop Rate: x40
Jewel Drop Rate: 25%
Fenrir Item Drop Rate: 30% (Red & Blue Fenrir in Xshop for WC/GP)
Fenrir Pets give XP Bonuses!
Vulcanus Map gives 50% XP Bonus!
Max Stats: 32,000 per attribute
Reset: Stats stay!
Starter Gift
Use /morgana for:
Panda Ring/Panda Ped (1.5 days)
Skeleton Pet (3 days, single use)
Zen & Economy
Low Zen drop, sell event items for Zen.
Custom NPC Shops for gear, skills, resets.
Zen needed for various game functions.
Party XP Bonuses
Regular Party: Up to 25% XP
Gold Party: Up to 40% XP
Max Bonus: Best XP rate with 5 members.
Maps & Hunting Spots
Arena and Aida Gray maps have multiple hunting spots.
Vulcanus: +50% XP, multiple hot spots.
Daily Quests
Daily rewards: Zen, Ruud, WCoin, GP.
Completing all 38 quests grants bonus rewards.
In-Game Shop Features
WebShop: OFF, In-Game Shop: ON (Balanced, no full option items).
Goblin Points Shop: Only in-game GP.
Ruud Shop: Apocalypse set, special weapons.
Custom Sets in regular NPC shops (you can use new Jewels on it)
Reset System
Max Resets: 500, Reset Level: 400 (VIP: 390)
Reset Costs: Start at 2M Zen, scaling higher with each reset.
Reset Rewards: WCoin, GP, Ruud based on player type.
Website Account Panel Functions
VIP Membership Perks: 50% reset cost discount, double reset rewards, expanded storage, and item upgrade success rate.
Game Features
Offtrade: Sell items for GP, WC, Ruud, Zen, and Jewels.
Offlevel: Max 6hrs, no item pick-up, cost varies by VIP status.
Class Balance: MG, ELF, and DK stats adjustments.
Events & Rewards
Popular Events: Kethonum, Golden Lizard King, Golden Dragon, Boss Monsters, Arca Battle, Custom Drop Events.
Boss Drops: Ruud, WC, GP, new jewels (varied drop rates).
Event Rewards: Ruud, GP, Jewels, and special items.
PvP & PvM Events
Bosses & Events: Each boss drops Ruud, WC, GP, with specific rewards for various events (BC, CC, DS, etc.).
Golden Invasion: High chance for Ruud & GP drops.