Well this time I will show you how to make your own AutoUpdater
Tools Needed:
1.- FTP Server (don't you have? here is a list of free server Free Ftp Servers downloads
2.- Winhex or another hex Editor
3.- ConnectServer (Work only with ConnectServer that has ServerInfo.dat in data files)
4.- WinZip
5.- WTF Editor
1.- Install the FTP Server and make an account that can access to subdirectories, and download files mainly
2.- Download this tools (in attachment)
3.- Search in ServerInfo.dat this
Address =
Port = 21
ID = MuOnline
PASS = MuOnline
HTTPAddress = localhost
Port = 80
ID = MuOnline
PASS = MuOnline
ClientVersion = 1.00.14
ClientVersion_TEST = 1.00.14
VersionFileName = version.wvd
DownLoadType = 0
And replace with your IP of your FTP, Website, and the account you have created in FTP server and with your current version
4.- In version.wvd put your current version with no letters, for example my version is Vietnam 1.00n, in your version.wvd you put this
5.- Make a folder in your FTP Server with your current version, i mean if i use 1.00n put
without quotes.
6.- paste your version.wvd in your FTP server so it shouldbe like this:
7.- in you folder you have created, paste the list.inf and the up_list.zip
8.- With hexeditor search in mu.exe and change it to your IP, search in message.wtf with wtf editor the last line and change it to your Notice URL Website
9.- Client Side: in Config.ini put your version of version.wvd
Now we finish the Installation Now we go to the procedures to uptate
1.- Update the version.wvd in FTP server to the next number ADDING a line for example if my version is 1.00n i have in version.wvd "1.00.14" I add a line "1.00.15" should be like this
2.- Zip the files you want to update in their corresponding folders for example like this(take a look that main directory isn't zipped in a global folder like MuGlobal or MuBlablabla):
NOTE: ALLWAYS you must put the config.ini (stored in the up_list.zip) with the new version for example i want to update to 1.00.15 so i REPLACE . i have this
replace with this i my case
If you don't do that you will need to update forever:jester:
3.- Make a new folder in you FTP named as your new version, in my case 1.00.15 without quotes
4.- Make a list.inf . in my case i will put an example
0 "Data"
0 "Data\Interface"
0 "Data\Local"

I will explain
That allways go there
That a files in the main folder, if you want to update more things than config.ini for example main.exe you must put in a different line and this
allways between quotes
0 "Data"
Taht means that we enter to folder Data in our client, for example if i want to update gates or macro i put something like this
0 "Data"
0 "Data\Interface"
Taht means that we enter to folder Data, subfolder Interface and down we put the files we will update allways between quotes
In conclusion if we want to open a folder we put 0 "Folder" and down we put the files
5.- When we finish this, we just put the list.inf in the new FTP folder
6.- We FInish now putting the new version in ServerList.dat
Finally to update your Client just execute the mu.exe, the config.ini contains the actual version of you cleint, so if CS.exe detects that your config.ini is 1.00.14 and version.vwd is 1.00.15 it will update automatically
There is a little explanation about the crypting of the CS packets so you can easily understand how this works
NOTE: Everytime you want to update remember to put the new version of config.ini in up_list.zip files
PD: People are reporting that when they launch mu with mu.exe the Server Bar don't appear, but the AutoUpdate Work