Website :
Server Name: ImperiusMu Online
Server Version: Season II
Server Experience: 250x
Master Level Experience: 100x
Drop: 60%
Points per level: BK/ SM/ ELF-5 // MG-7 // DL-7
Max Points: 32.767
Post message from: 50Lvl
Guild Creation: 100Lvl
Reset / Grand Reset System
Reset Level: 400
Clear Inventory: No
Clear Skills: No
Clear Quest: No
Clear Free Level Points: No
Grand Reset Need: 100
Credits for Grand Reset : 2000
Clear Character Stats: No
Jewels and Chaos Machine Ratio
Jewel of Soul ratio: 70%
Jewel of Soul ratio with luck: 90%
Jewel of Life ratio: 100%
Jewel of Life ratio with luck: 100%
Jewel of Bless ratio: 70%
Jewel of Bless ratio with luck: 100%
+10 Item Succes ratio: 80%
+11 Item Succes ratio: 75%
+12 Item Succes ratio: 70%
+13 Item Succes ratio: 90%
Server Commands
/post - global message, which in chat window see all connected players.
/online - Show server online, Players / GameMasters.
/website - Show server website.
/PkClear - Clear your PK status.
/time - Show server time.
/addstr - add's Strenght points in the game.
/addagi - add's Agility points in the game.
/addvit - add's Vitality points in the game.
/addene - add's Energy points in the game.
/addcmd - add's Command points in the game (only Dark Lord).