[AD] DemonuMu Premium Original 97d+99i Exp 9999x Drop 99% Old School Max Resets 10

Fixed Server 6.3 Is Now Online!
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Fixed Server 7.1 Is Now Online!

PVP: Balanced PVP

ManaShield: 80%​
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[News] A new project is coming soon (HOT!)

Don't ask for information, it's not nice, be patient

Soon the server will be 3 months old since it became stable
Unfortunately, the number of players has decreased new changes are needed

Fresh Start DemonuMu Exp 100x Drop 60% HappyHour Online/PartyBonus Online
LuckyJewels Online/LuckyMixes Online
Each location on the map you have monsters between 10 and 11 respawn 4 seconds
Maximum Level: 350/Reset Level: 350/Max Resets: 10

ResetSystem Clear Points:No Clear Inventory:No Clear Resets:No Clear Stats:No
You create a char test to have 10 rst but you don't give a grand reset

You connect with the second account created new char and lvl up reset and grand reset
GrandReset Clear Points Clear Inventory No Clear Resets Clear Stats Bonus Points 500
VipSystem BonusExp 50 GrandResets 15 and have 25 days vip but you pay 300 credits

At the opening, each player will receive a free bonus of 500 credits
If you are caught cheating,don't complain when you lose your account
If you play on 3 accounts, only 1 account will receive a bonus
Don't try to use vpn to hide your ip because it won't help

Call your friends at the grand opening and start the slaughter​
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