[AD] DemonuMu Premium Original 97d+99i Exp 9999x Drop 99% Old School Max Resets 10


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
[News] Basic information about DemonuMu! (HOT!)

Webshop exchange your resets for credits sell 1 reset you are rewarded 1 credits
Character protection 32767 you have reached the maximum points on Strength

Grand Opening of the server fresh start join [7.08.2024 Time Romania 11:00 PM]
Shop Potion Girl Lorencia+Stadium have in shop wings lvl 1 no option or luck

Server has Auto Clicker Auto Attack check the download and watch the video tutorial
Vault/Multi Vault Commands is now online and open maxim 5 example /vault 2

GrandReset System Price normal 500000 Character lvl 350 10 rst win 5 credits
Vip players have the right in Davias4/Atlans2/Atlans3/Losttower2 you attack 2 spots
Vip GrandReset System Price 400000 Character lvl 350 10 rst win 10 credits

Bonus creating characters in game automatic gain 1 reset points 6000 zen 50000000
GM Shop Lorencia was added to have a small Box of Kundun+1 for a little boost

ResetSystem Clear Points:No Clear Inventory:No Clear Resets:No Clear Stats:No
GrandReset Clear Points:No Clear Inventory:No Clear Resets:No Clear Stats:No

GoldenArcher deposit 15 stone reward +15 random Box of Kundun +1/+2/+3/+4/+5/
Heart of Love drop random Soul/Chaos/Life/Bless/Creation/Stone/Rena/

ExcellentItemDrop in the game 2 random options more options, buy from the webshop
VipSystem MinGrandResets 15 and have 20 days vip but you pay 150 credits

NPCBuffers Protect Lorencia Stadium Tarkan Noria Duration Buffers 19/20 minutes
You can connect up to 3 accounts on the server but do not press f12 to close

Each location on the map you have monsters between 10 and 11 respawn 3 seconds
Votes Reward upgrade each 12/24 secure hours your reward with 10 credits

Lorencia Blacksmith have in shop Excellent Ring of Ice+Ring of Poison+0 1 option
Excellent Pendant of Lightning and Pendant of Fire+0 1 option

These are the maps where you can go with the character and power up
Stadium Tarkan Tarkan2 Losttower Losttower7 Davias Davias2 Davias3 Atlans

Reward by Server with 500 credits for each new player who is playing
If 1 ip is play by 2 players not by the same player is reward try to cheat your remove
Each new player must have 100 grand resets to get the bonus for free

The website will help you with all the information you need
This way you can get an idea of how the game was built
Call your friends and have fun [(o-0)]

MuWeb Old School Customs Full Premium

Hosting Location: France/Server UpTime: 24/7 Open
DDoS Protection : Included/Speed Internet: 1 Gbit OnBoard
DemonuMu Upgrade to DedicatServer/SovaHost

Owner Location: Romania
Website: http://demonumu.sytes.net/
Discord: Join The Channell!


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[News] DemonuMu Grand Opening OF The Server Fresh start! (HOT!)

Grand Opening OF The Server Fresh Start [7.08.2024 Time Romania 11:00 PM]
Registers are open so you don't miss the start

We combined easy/medium with hard so you can enjoy the game
The server received enough updates in almost 2 months to be quite stable

Stay tuned, DemonuMu Online In 2 hours,2 mega events the best to win
Let the slaughter begin, PVP Server​
DemonuMu Online for 4 days Join and don't wait, don't lose your place in the top 5​
[News] Limited Edition Grand Opening Top 5 Players V3! (HOT!)

Top 5 players which will reach 80 grand resets they will receive bonus
Reward 1st- 500 | 2nd- 400 | 3rd- 300 | 4th- 200 | 5th- 100 | > Credits
If you play on 3 accounts, only one account will receive a bonus
Send me your account privately on discord

If you are caught cheating,don't complain when you lose your account

Reward 1st- 500 ? / Reward 2nd- 400 ? / Reward 3rd- 300 ?
Reward 4th- 200 ? / Reward 5th- 100 ?​
DemonuMu Online 10 Days! Join don't lose your place in the top 5
Some information from this topic has been corrected​
[News] Upgrade GoldenArcher! V1 (HOT!)

Upgrade GoldenArcher deposit 10 stone reward +10 random Box of Kundun +1/+2/+3/+4/+5/​

[News] Limited Edition Top 5 Players Is Check V1! (HOT!)

Every 30 days Grand Reset is check the top 5 players who have the most GR
Reward 1st- 500 | 2nd- 400 | 3rd- 300 | 4th- 200 | 5th- 100 | > Credits
Only players who are active and playing will receive this bonus
If you play on 3 accounts, only 1 account will receive a bonus

Starting today you have 12 days to get the bonus
If you are caught cheating,don't complain when you lose your account

Reward 1st- 500 ? / Reward 2nd- 400 ? / Reward 3rd- 300 ?
Reward 4th- 200 ? / Reward 5th- 100 ?​
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[News] Upgrade Vip Members V2! (HOT!)

VipSystem Level 350/GrandResets 15 and have 30 days vip + but you pay 200 credits​

Posted On 2/09/2024​
By DemonuMu​
[News] Upgrade Davias4/Atlans2/Atlans3 Premium V2 (HOT!)

VIP players only
Because these 3 maps are different from the original, I added 2 spots to each location
When you attack, you don't attack just one spot, you attack 2 spots at the same time
Coordinates Atlans2 221/56/225 59/Atlans3 65 156/66 161
Davias4 69/176/73 179/ 54/196/53 191/​

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[News] Fixed Davias4/Atlans2/Atlans3/V1! (HOT!)

I fixed Davias4/Atlans2/Atlans3 the distance between spots​

Posted On 3/09/2024​
By DemonuMu​
[News] Upgrade Losttower2 Vip Only For BK V1! (HOT!)

When you attack, you don't attack just one spot, you attack 2 spots at the same time
2 spots were created in 2 different locations at the moment​

[News] DemonuMu Online! (HOT!)
DemonuMu was temporarily closed for a few minutes to add the new settings

[News] GM Shop Lorencia! (HOT!)
Was added to have a small Box of Kundun+1 for a little boost

[News] Upgrade IsEledoradoEvent OFF V1! (HOT!)
I closed this EledoradoEvent/event that allowed you to hunt the golden monster
GoldenArcher and Devil Square gives you the same bonus

[News] Upgrade All shops in each location V1! (HOT!)
All shops in each location,exe items were removed/back to normal

Some information from this topic has been corrected​
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[News] Upgrade Quest System Online V1! (HOT!)

Quest System is Online, you can get up to 13 different rewards + 1 credits
We will see more updates along the way

[News] Fixed Golden Tantalos (Box+5) V1! (HOT!)

I changed the respawn to appear after 10 seconds instead of 4 seconds
I fixed it,Tarkan Golden Tantalos only 5 appeared instead of 10

[News] Fixed Devil Square/EledoradoEvent V1! (HOT!)

I fixed it, Devil Square,I reopened EledoradoEvent because it affects the golden monster
DemonuMu was temporarily closed for a few minutes to add the new settings​
[News] Upgrade ResetSystem/GrandReset V1! (HOT!)

I analyzed the game and it seems that 15 rst is too much/I decided to change to 10 rst
Because a lot of people come late from work and don't have time
Now every player old or new can advance quite quickly​
[News] Fixed Music In The Client DemonuMu V12 (HOT!)

I fixed an old problem in the client that Music was not working
When starting from the launcher this problem has been corrected
Delete the old client and get the new client DemonuMu V12
All Credits to albertinho​
[News] Limited Edition Top 5 Players Is Check V2! (HOT!)

Every 30 days Online Time/Rank is check the top 5 players who have the most hours
Reward 1st- 500 | 2nd- 400 | 3rd- 300 | 4th- 200 | 5th- 100 | > Credits
Only players who are active and playing will receive this bonus
If you play on 3 accounts, only 1 account will receive a bonus

Starting today you have 19 days to get the bonus the event will close at 00:00 PM
If you are caught cheating,don't complain when you lose your account

Reward 1st- 500 ? / Reward 2nd- 400 ? / Reward 3rd- 300 ?
Reward 4th- 200 ? / Reward 5th- 100 ?​
[News] Fixed Move Tarkan/Tarkan2 V1! (HOT!)

The problem has been fixed, so that char is no longer blocked in tarkan and tarkan2
This bug has been corrected at lvl 100 you can teleport to lvl 150
All credits OneSM and Stefan that they detected this bug​


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[News] Upgrade MuWeb V1! (HOT!)

I added 2 new customs to the page Change your password/Lost Password
Over 42 updates or added to the server so we can enjoy the old school​

Fixed Server 4.5

[News] 3DCameraMode/MiniMap/3DSky DayNight (HOT!)

Why were these commands not activated in the client ?
Because there are players who want and there are players who don't
You have a tutorial to website download below, the steps are easy

Lorencia 3DCameraMode

Stadium Arena 3DCameraMode/MiniMap/3DSky DayNight​


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