[Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

DarkMaster, there are such bugs related with SQL Databases. Command /vault is limited only to 5 vaults per account. If you put more than that, even if you edit SQL tables and columns to support more than 5 vaults, number 6 and forward won't work properly. You use /vault 6, put some items in vault, then use /vault 2 for example, and when you use /vault 6 again to get back your items, they won't be there anymore! Temporary solution was to limit 5 vaults per account, or disable command. But this would be cool if you can, for example, make 5 vaults for normal and 10 for vip accounts. Also, I recommend to update server files databases with all tables needed and fixed, or even better put some notepads with these specific tables.

see, the column IsVip and VipExpirationTime is int and VipExpirationTime is not timestamp format u.u




DarkMaster, there are such bugs related with SQL Databases. Command /vault is limited only to 5 vaults per account. If you put more than that, even if you edit SQL tables and columns to support more than 5 vaults, number 6 and forward won't work properly. You use /vault 6, put some items in vault, then use /vault 2 for example, and when you use /vault 6 again to get back your items, they won't be there anymore! Temporary solution was to limit 5 vaults per account, or disable command. But this would be cool if you can, for example, make 5 vaults for normal and 10 for vip accounts. Also, I recommend to update server files databases with all tables needed and fixed, or even better put some notepads with these specific tables.

I'm use 10 vault

SQL Server
Table : dbo.warehouse search :


error fix :

Row size change
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Reactions: Urban
DarkMaster, one question, the system quest works on mobs golden invasion?

see, the column IsVip and VipExpirationTime is int and VipExpirationTime is not timestamp format u.u
Unix timestamp. You can use Timestamp Generator / Converter - Timestampgenerator.com
DarkMaster, there are such bugs related with SQL Databases. Command /vault is limited only to 5 vaults per account. If you put more than that, even if you edit SQL tables and columns to support more than 5 vaults, number 6 and forward won't work properly. You use /vault 6, put some items in vault, then use /vault 2 for example, and when you use /vault 6 again to get back your items, they won't be there anymore! Temporary solution was to limit 5 vaults per account, or disable command. But this would be cool if you can, for example, make 5 vaults for normal and 10 for vip accounts. Also, I recommend to update server files databases with all tables needed and fixed, or even better put some notepads with these specific tables.
As of beta 32, the required columns are automatically created by the gameserver, except the MEMB_CREDITS table.

As of beta 33, the MEMB_CREDITS table will also be automatically created in case is missing.
[Beta 33 Changelog - Gold edition]
Fixed disabling trade not working
Completely reworked move system. You can now make some warps available only for vips - Hot!
Added a /charinfo command that will show player's current resets, grand resets, marriage info & vip status expiration time
Added a level up effect to /buyvip command
Quest id variable removed from the quest system. You'll have to update your quests file, or use the new one.
New, experimental party zen bug fix, including in devil square
Improved shadow bug detection. No more skills learning at level one, using the shadow bug - Hot!
Added advanced messages system. You can finally translate all custom command/event/system messages - Hot!
Brand new, never seen before event - Lucky Jewels - Hot!
Added advanced exp system with ability to set different bonus exp on different maps. In addition, you can make zones with extra exp - Hot!
VIP system improved with performance in mind
Added advanced zen drop system. You can finally control monster's zen drop - Exclusive!
Experimental syn flood protection - Hot!
Fixed /buy & /sell commands color #3
Added advanced reset system with ability to set different requirements per class/vip/resets, different rewards per class/vip/resets - Hot!
Fixed a bug where Sky event wasn't randomizing the excellent options when rewarding players
Some additional corrections to the gm system. Fixed the expiration date & automated the demotion process without the need of re-logging
Added ability to make the vip system to work per account as well as per character - Hot!
Added advanced anti-afk system with the ability to create several safe zones per map/coords - Hot!
Fixed map system file reading structure
Added additional security checks to the npc talk protocol
Added /setlevel & /setzen commands

Attempt to finally fix the crash on some server machines when checksum is enabled
Dark ами за клиента няма ли да има пач за (lucky jawel) и ако може да се сложи направо 1 unlimited main към твоя клиент на които да може да се има доверие понеже колкото i main-ве да изтегля все ми се трият от антивирусната със минимална зададена сигурност към тях
Dark ами за клиента няма ли да има пач за (lucky jawel) и ако може да се сложи направо 1 unlimited main към твоя клиент на които да може да се има доверие понеже колкото i main-ве да изтегля все ми се трият от антивирусната със минимална зададена сигурност към тях
Lucky Jewels е евент, който увеличава шанса за успех на каманите докато е активен.
ясно пак съм чел м/у редовете :D мислих че са някакви нови jewels :D
ясно пак съм чел м/у редовете :D мислих че са някакви нови jewels :D
Има и поддръжка на нови камъни, но на този етап не са включени в пакета.
DarkMaster Experience Bug in level greater than 350
Experience in CommonServer.cfg = 150x
Experience in server (Level == 350) = 150x
Experience in server (Level > 350) = 99999x (Bug)

Bug in Beta 25, beta 26, beta 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
sorry for my English
Beta 33.1 Changelog]
Fixed news system sending the default messages in some cases
Fixed npc system min/max level usage
Applied some fixes to the reset system
Upgraded the grand reset command to advanced grand reset system
Removed the unused options from Commands.ini which were forgotten in the previous beta
Всъщност има, но съм я пропуснал в Commands.ini.

Enable = 1 // 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
MinLevel = 100 // Required level
Price = 100000 // Usage price
ZenFormula = 0 // 1 - Price * pk level
OnlyForGM = 0 // 1 - Only Game Masters can use it, 0 - All can use it
OnlyForVIPs = 0 // 1 - Only for VIP players, 0 - For all players
Syntax = /pkclear

Не работи тази Зен Формула ако имаш 100 килла и е нагласено 1мил * килл
ще ти вземе 3мил. само за да те изчисти вместо 100мил.
ако може да го оправите.
pet системата е бъгава можеш да пишеш номера като например /pet 300 и ще ти се появи някое животно което може да си го блокнал но си остава след 255 явно почват да се повтарят
и като викнеш такова животно не се маха дори като switch-неш
ако може да сложиш whitelist само за да няма такива бъгове.
Има черен списък. Върши същата работа. :p
Не работи тази Зен Формула ако имаш 100 килла и е нагласено 1мил * килл
ще ти вземе 3мил. само за да те изчисти вместо 100мил.
ако може да го оправите.
Формулата е * pk level, не по общ брой убийства.
Serwer files

This server files is very nice :)

Dear friends can me help add antihack to my main ?
@DarkMaster, не знам на какъв принцип е направена афк системата, но възможно ли е да се направи да кажем си на координати 50 50(от там биеш) и се мръднеш до 50 51(да вземеш предмет) и след това отидеш пак на 50 50 да не продължава да ти зачита warning?