[Help] Cannot run window mode


New Member
Mar 30, 2020
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Im using these files https://darksteam.net/threads/darksteam-muserver-97d-99i-beta-42.6440/

I've tried with different exe but still face same problem... whenever I start exe it is like a fullscreen but with defined resolution... and therefore window is borderless without any controls.

Registry is setted to window mode 800x600

RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser; // OUR REGISTERY KEY
key = key.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Webzen\Mu\Config", true);
key.SetValue("Resolution", 0x00000001, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
key.SetValue("ResolutionA", 0x00000001, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
key.SetValue("WindowMode", 0x00000001, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
key.SetValue("VolumeLevel", 0x00000005, RegistryValueKind.DWord);

Thats how exe is started

var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(this.MainExePath, "connect /u{IP WAS HERE} /p{PORT WAS HERE}");

When is starts I got grey fullscreen and game in defined resolution within a square inside.

I've tried with other exe. But and for example HPTeam 0.97d+99i exe with minimizer turned on - creates same window but without grey background... and still game is borderless.

How can I fix it? To get minimizwd window with common borders?
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I have the same problem bro, were u able to fix it?
Unfortunately, no...
But as soon as I know - one should some how make a custome .dll with functionality like windowsmodes' (toool) hook.dll has, but with automatic process...
This is a temporary fix, but could work for you:
1: Turn down your desktop resolution to 1024x768
2: Start Mu with the same res (1024x768)
3: Press F12 to turn to window mode (or use mu_window as admin if you can't turn to window at all)
4: Move Mu window out the way and turn the resolution back to what it was (1920x1080 or whatever)

It should fix it, but you have to do it each time you close the game..


  • mu_window.rar
    12.3 KB · Views: 77
thx, but thats is not solution that I'm looking for. Because question is exactly in launching mu already windowed.
There is no problems with using windowmode tool...
and more over you can omit step 1 and 4. Just set tool to same res as game and thats all..