Season 5 GameServer - Free
Everything developed from 0, over a 1.00.90 base, no stolen codes, no Frankhenstein codes.
I finally finished update v1.0.1.5 with GS-CS and everything else working, so here it is, I'm short of time, so I cannot translate the config files (they are wrote in Brazilian Portuguese), If anyone wants to translate and post, feel free, I won't be doing it anyway.
The Full Server (with GS-CS) download:
v1.01.05: - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
This files features:
Full and original Season 4.5 and older features.
Fully coded Season 4.6 in DLL (Duel System and Moss Merchant) - 100%
Partial Season 5.0 (Double Goer, some new Items, all new Chaos Machine mixes, +15 Items)
Partial Season 5.3 (Mini Wings without Visual Bugs)
Partial Season 5.4 (1.07P and above supported)
I recommend you using 1.07X client:
Full 1.07U Client:
1.07X Client Patch:
Main 1.07X Cracked and Fixed by Chris05: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Commonloc.cfg is already configured for stock 1.07X configuration (Serial and Version)
If you want to use older clients (older than 1.07P), you'll need put 0 in this option:
Use107P_Protocol = 0;
in BrCF.ini
Everything developed from 0, over a 1.00.90 base, no stolen codes, no Frankhenstein codes.
I finally finished update v1.0.1.5 with GS-CS and everything else working, so here it is, I'm short of time, so I cannot translate the config files (they are wrote in Brazilian Portuguese), If anyone wants to translate and post, feel free, I won't be doing it anyway.
The Full Server (with GS-CS) download:
v1.01.05: - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
This files features:
Full and original Season 4.5 and older features.
Fully coded Season 4.6 in DLL (Duel System and Moss Merchant) - 100%
Partial Season 5.0 (Double Goer, some new Items, all new Chaos Machine mixes, +15 Items)
Partial Season 5.3 (Mini Wings without Visual Bugs)
Partial Season 5.4 (1.07P and above supported)
I recommend you using 1.07X client:
Full 1.07U Client:
1.07X Client Patch:
Main 1.07X Cracked and Fixed by Chris05: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Commonloc.cfg is already configured for stock 1.07X configuration (Serial and Version)
If you want to use older clients (older than 1.07P), you'll need put 0 in this option:
Use107P_Protocol = 0;
in BrCF.ini