[AD] ExtazyMu S3 Ep1 Exp: 9999x Drop: 100%


Sep 1, 2012
Reaction score


Hello everyone! I want to know that the server will work tomorrow!
By that time,you can sign up and wait for the server to work and then the client will be added.
Server adress: Extazy-Mu | New Born

Server Information
Server Name: Extazy-Mu
Server Version: Season III Episode I
Server Experience: 9999x
Server Drop: 100%
Monster HP: 100%
Points per level: BK/ SM/ ELF-5 // MG/ DL-7
Max Points: 32.767
Max level: 400
Level for reset: 400
Reset: From the website/Server
GrandResets Need: 50 Resets
Rebirths Need: 5 Grandresets
Guild Creation: 150 lvl

Reset Day Top: 100 Credits
GrandResets: 1000 Credits
Rebirths: 5000 Credits

Reset: Server
Reset Day Top: Website
Reward: Website
BC Reward: Server

Jewels and Chaos Machine ratio
Jewel of Soul ratio: 100%
Jewel of Soul ratio with luck: 100%
Jewel of Life ratio: 100%
Jewel of Life ratio with luck: 100%
Jewel of Bless ratio: 100%
Jewel of Bless ratio with luck: 100%
+10 Item Succes ratio: 100%
+11 Item Succes ratio: 100%
+12 Item Succes ratio: 100%
+13 Item Succes ratio: 100%

Server Commands

/post - global message, which in chat window see all connected players.
/pkclear - This command clears your PK status!
/addstr (count) - Ads your number of points (Strength)
/addvit (count) - Ads your number of points (Vitality).
/addagi (count) - Ads your number of points (Agility).
/addene (count) - Ads your number of points (Energy).
/addcmd - Ads your number of points (Command).

Hello all Extazy-Mu players,I want to apologise for our technical problems with new antihack. Now we have better working antihack and fully working updated client, also we made some changes like: updated shops, fixed stadium spots New PVP Balance, agility bug fix, Now MG and BK can wear each others weapons, also both of them can wear any DL scepter. Also every weapon in game now has skill DL scepter has more useful cyclone skill and all starting items has skills now too! MG and DL can't wear wings problem-fixed, even better! Now you can put any wings on any character to fit your set gear and playstyle. Keep waiting for more news, we are sorry that we keep you waiting, but we hope you'll enjoy server after 1.5 UPDATE! Good luck and have fun!
Hello all the dear Extazy-Mu players,so I want to cheer you up.We've got new items on the server and in the webshop so you can buy them. Another couple of upgrades you notice in a great game,and from now on best top 5 will be delete for the resets of all the players! To see the updates,you will need to download the patch from the downloads section.Sincerely, Extazy-Mu Administrator

I waiting for server! Extazy-Mu - New born!
Hello everybody,respectful to Extazy-Mu gamers and visitors,after a long time,we made an update,we removed all users only to fix the entire server.
We replaced the server design,we arranged the pvp balance,we arranged to wipe the opt and removed the custom items,just to make you better play and replace the server 5000x exp and 50% drop to download the new client to play,but who were buying credits,contact me to beautify.As a member of the game,you will receive 500 free points and the initial status will be made after 200.So its still a newbie bonus to get it for me.Newbie [Extazy] and acc id.Extazy-Mu Administrator is looking for a good game for you.

Hello all Extazy-Mu gamers and visitors want to announce a new idea that is related to obtaining credits.
300 You will receive credits every Friday at 19:00. Regards Extazy-Mu Administrator.


Sveiki visi Extazy-Mu žaidėjai ir lankytojai,turiu naujų žinių,mes jau veikiame su Season 4 Episode 7 versija ir max reitingais,tai serveryje levelis kyla greitai,šopai ir spotai skirti tik high rates serveriui,ideta custom itemai,svetaineje vip sistema,ir visokios kitos sistemos,tai lauksime jūsų žaidime,pagarbiai Extazy-Mu Administratorius.


Welcome to all Extazy-Mu gamers and visitors,I have new knowledge,we are working with Season 4 Episode 7 version and max ratings,this server level comes up fast,for spots only for high rates server,custom product items,site vip system and Any other system,we will wait for your game,respectfully Extazy-Mu Administrator.
Welcome to all EXTAZY-MU players and visitors,so were sorry for all the vipe,version changes and so on,so now were going to have Season II version and max ratings,so the server runs perfectly,the level is rising very fast.Were still looking for one gamemaster to be active for us to expand and similar,interested in posts write me to skype mauter52,its so much news for this time! Sincerely, EXTAZY-MU Administrator!