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  1. K

    [AD] Deja MU [EXP: 6X / DROP: 25X | S3E2 | Dedicated Longterm | NO RESETS]

    Medals will now drop all the time, but at a very very low rate
  2. K

    [AD] Deja MU [EXP: 6X / DROP: 25X | S3E2 | Dedicated Longterm | NO RESETS]

    Changes Overall drop rates increased to 35% Jewel of Soul & Life drop rates increased slightly BOK's completely revamped, and drop rates increased
  3. K

    [AD] Deja MU [EXP: 6X / DROP: 25X | S3E2 | Dedicated Longterm | NO RESETS]

    Thanks, you can join us to have fun ! :)
  4. K

    [AD] Deja MU [EXP: 6X / DROP: 25X | S3E2 | Dedicated Longterm | NO RESETS]

    [AD] Deja MU [EXP: 6X / DROP: 35X | S3E2 | Dedicated Longterm | NO RESETS] Experience the past of hardcore leveling, partying, PVP'ing and general interaction with others, yet enjoy the perks of new classes, items, quests and events. This what we call, Deja MU. Deja MU is here to bring...