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  1. R

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    Thank you DarkMaster. 2 years old server with this perfect files. How to donate for you bro? Sorry my bad english
  2. R

    [Help] Changing levels BC , DS and Creating MG

    LOL! (sun) i know that the reason why i ask here... its obviously , i need to edit GS... but its packed DarkMaster can you help me? EDIT : How i can add maps?
  3. R

    [Help] Changing levels BC , DS and Creating MG

    Hi!!! i'm using darksteam 97d+99i Beta 25 , and this are my problems! any guide?
  4. R

    [Help] GS 1.00.66 (DarksTeam Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25)

    Video? are you crazy? Gameserver stop in a minute , or in a 2 days , how can i record a video if i dont know when it crashes?
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    [Help] GS 1.00.66 (DarksTeam Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25)

    i just get "dont send" error from gameserver :*
  6. R

    [Help] GS 1.00.66 (DarksTeam Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25)

    Hi guys I have a problem ... Using server files: "DarksTeam Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25" And the gameserver crash without warning, without error, and without predetermined time. The eventitembag are set up perfectly, and also commonserver Someone could help me? is extremely...
  7. R

    [Help] DarksTeam 97d99i to DarksTeam S3 Ep2

    how do I transfer all data from the database without losing data? (hug)
  8. R

    [Req] Main DarksTeam S3 Ep2 with GAMEGUARD

    Hi... i need main darksteam s3ep2 beta 25 , with gameguard... sorry my bad eng... i cant create that... the main of my client is no original , and i cant put gameguard... the .dll "antihack.dll" is very old and dont work fine :s well , again sorry my bad english (rock) if cant be...
  9. R

    [Release] DarksTeam Official Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25

    this proyect is iced?????? sorry my bad eng
  10. R

    [Release] DarksTeam Official Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25

    Can anyone give me a client season 3 episode 2 with music and sound FULL ALL?
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    [Release] DarksTeam Official Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25

    This proyect are iced? :S i need updates T_T
  12. R

    [Release] DarksTeam Official Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25

    When you put new update? :) sorry my bad eng
  13. R

    [Release] DarksTeam Official Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25

    ¿¿When you can publish Beta 26?? sorry my bad eng...
  14. R

    [AD] Mu ZonaTeam S3 Ep2 Exp: 250x Drop: 85%

    con una mezcla de ansiedad , angustia , orgullo , ansiedad , ansiedad y un poco mas de ansiedad , los invito a jugar Mu ZonaTeam :o[/COLOR] En el mismo encontrarán muchas novedades y comodidades como : Nuevo sistema de reset Nuevos NPC y nuevas funciones Nuevo sistema de webshop y...
  15. R

    [Help] Party zen bug - /add command

    Hi!!! i use darksteam beta 21 (season 3 episode 2) and zen in a party are bug... drop very low And /add comand are activated , but it not work :( SORRY MY BAD ENG... can somebody helpme? help! i need somebady! help! i need some one! heeeeeelp (8) :P
  16. R

    [Help] DarksTeam S3 Ep2 Client

    Hi! I need this client , before the links in the thread are expired. can someone giveme that client? Thanks! SORRY MY BAD ENG (chuckle)