Search results

  1. Dungeon

    Мозъчният тумор - Чалга

    Според проучване на Агенция "Медиана" поръчано от Агензцията за младежта и спорта - 63% ог гимназистите знаят кой е авторът на "Хаджи Димитър" , а 87% знаят кой пее "песента" "води ме в някоя квартална кръчма"! Тази помия наречена чалга, от доста време вече, се бълва от всяко капанче, всяко...
  2. Dungeon

    [Release] TwilightMu Website Clone + Grand Reset + Online Time Trade

    alter table character add GrandResets int not null default 0 Download
  3. Dungeon

    18 PSD Signatures by ~lahabz

    made by lahabz PSd_Signature_Pack_1_by_lahabz.rar
  4. Dungeon

    Glowing (Neon) Text Effect

  5. Dungeon

    Neon Text

  6. Dungeon

    Versus Signature

  7. Dungeon

    FashionDream Signature

    by ~sanderrednas
  8. Dungeon

    [Release] MuCore K-Gamers Template

    Header PSD: k-gamers\template\K-GamersX\images\logo Password: darksteam Credits: DkDexter Kaspar
  9. Dungeon

    [Release] IbanezServers 10.7.65 S6 Premium

    All Events - 100% System Support: Windows xP Service Pack 2 Windows xP Service Pack 3 Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008 Windows 7 x32bits o x64bits Windows Vista Requirements: SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 ó SQL Server 2008 C++ 2008 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft .NET...
  10. Dungeon

    [Release] MUCore WebShop 1.0.x

    Version: 1.0.0 Admin Control Panel Side Settings Display Settings Display Columns Set how many columns with items you want to be displayed on webshop. Display Class Requirement If 'Yes' class requirement will be displayed on item infos. Item Limits Settings Level Item's level...
  11. Dungeon

    [Release] Xtyling Web + 100% Secure + New template

    Credits: The Rav3n (Milanoob)
  12. Dungeon

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d99i - New Items

  13. Dungeon

    [Guide] Useful codes for Admins

    Edit Resets : UPDATE Character SET Resets=Resets here WHERE name ='Char here'Block Account: UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET bloc_code=1 WHERE memb___id='Account here' UnBlock Account: UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET bloc_code=0 WHERE memb___id='Account here' UnBlock...
  14. Dungeon

    [Guide] Remove MD5 Fixed

    Put this in Query Analizer. if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[MANG_INFO]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[MANG_INFO] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[MEMB_INFO]') and...
  15. Dungeon

    [Release] Login box for Season 4 & 5

  16. Dungeon

    [AD] IndentyMu 97d99i Exp: 777x Drop: 80%

    IndentyMu Online / Old school / 777x & 80% Offical start : 15.12.2011 , 20:00 GMT+2 Version : 0.97d+0.99i Server Experience: 777x Item Drop Procent : 80% Points per level : 5 for BK/SM/ELF 7 for MG Level need for restart : 350 Maximum restarts : 50 Points per reset : 400...
  17. Dungeon

    [Release] ENCTeam - ResitaMU Files

    Changelog Server files - - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! Client - MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service Files tested & works with more than 150 online. Credits: ENCTeam - for server files ResitaMU - some changes
  18. Dungeon

    [Release] DarksWeb 0.3 - MuCore Template

    MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service Credits : DarksTeam , Kaspar.
  19. Dungeon

    [Release] GoneMu - MuCore Template

    MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service Credits : Caspar , GoneMU.
  20. Dungeon

    [Release] Multi Season (4.5/4.6) - 99% Bugless

    Great Develop Mu ( RMST ) Project. Multi Season (S4.5-S4.6) :: GM Comands :: /gg,/trace,/disconnect,/track,/banpost,/unbanpost,/banchar,/unbanchar,/banacc,/unbanacc,/setchar,/setpk,/skin,/drop,/gmove,/status,/reload,/pkclear,/mobadd,/setdrop, :: Systems :: GMSystem, News, Console, Golden...