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  1. BlackCharm

    [Release] MuServer Season II Full with PK , NOPK, VIP Servers + Sets S4

    It`s right topic...I actualy change same filesin these serv.files and now it`s worksnice. Only 1 question.Why muse elfs dont have new sets? With MuMaker I put in inventory,login in game,but when I want to use this set,I cant put thesepieces in wrong places(I meen:example Queen armor in armor place)
  2. BlackCharm

    [Release] MuServer Season II Full with PK , NOPK, VIP Servers + Sets S4

    Yeah...It work`s!!! I`m not pro in server fies...Setup something like that is making for me BIG problems,but...after all treads,wich I already read,NOW all is working...Okey,need edit some files,from serv and client side,but ITSSSS WOOOORKKKKKK!!!! Txn for relise!!!
  3. BlackCharm

    [Help] How to find and edit client?

    I still have a question... I setup Millamber server but dont know how to edit client for this server. Can someone help me a little? // ------------------------------------------------------\\ ------------------------------------------------------------ ////////////////// Czt...
  4. BlackCharm

    [Release] DarkMu S3 Ep1 Files

    Need Client link!
  5. BlackCharm

    [Release] MuServer StartUp [Unpacked]

    txn ;)
  6. BlackCharm


  7. BlackCharm

    [Help] JoinServer without md5

    Hi! Someone can help to find JoinServer for DarksTeam S3 Ep2 files without md5?
  8. BlackCharm

    [Help] Пробем със сайта

    Tell me please,is posible setup website without MuServer? I need help from these gays,who are making websites for MU.I have not so good PC for muserv,but already by Domain and no looking,who can show,how to setup Xammp+s3e2 web with webshop...Please contact with me in skype(statuss al the...
  9. BlackCharm

    [Release] DarksTeam Official Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25

    With that,what U meen? Need change or No? This text Little Guide is`nt my!!!!
  10. BlackCharm

    [Release] DarksTeam Official Season 3 Episode 2 - Beta 25

    Little Guide Change Password MuServer\CashShopServer\CashShopOption.ini MuServer\EventServer\DATA\svconfig.ini MuServer\ExDB\ExDB.ini MuServer\RankingServer\svconfig.ini Change IP MuServer\ConnectServer\Data\ServerList.dat MuServer\Data\IpList.dat MuServer\Data\MapServerInfo.dat...
  11. BlackCharm

    And one more question-Wai I can`t write a NewTread in Your forum? I write and when push the...

    And one more question-Wai I can`t write a NewTread in Your forum? I write and when push the buton,Terminal write to me...Thanks for Your Tread!You will be redir after few sec-or somethhing like that.But when I after then are looking for my tread,I can`t find it =(
  12. BlackCharm

    [Guide] How to setup MuServer SCFMT 7.09.00 Cracked + Fixes & New Items

    Who can please put there release about that-How can put in 3s1e server+client items from s4. P.s Sorry about my english and hello from Latvia.