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  1. Killcode

    [Release] MuServer 97d

    I don`t make or sell servers,i just help if you need any help for error or you don`t know something .. i can`t configure all server for you,i`m sorry ... If you have any question or you have any error please use this forum. Regards.
  2. Killcode

    [Release] MuServer 97d

    You have to replace everywhere where is "your IP" with your IP . And this MuServer run in 2 database (MuOnline and Ranking) . It`s not so hard.If you have some problems post here please.
  3. Killcode

    [Release] MuServer By Rolisso 97d - Free

    New link ?
  4. Killcode

    [Release] MuServer 97d

    MuServer 97d MuServer 97d without command /post or /add It`s a simple MuServer (without any custom items) I want to make this server for me because seems to be like an oldschool server but i don`t have time for this . I share this with you and maybe together we can start him . This muserver can...
  5. Killcode

    [Help] DarksTeam 97d+99i AA Staff Effect Visual Bug

    Hello.I Don`t have so much time for explain you at the moment but i`m sure you use version 97d from Darksteam. Just replace this file "Item" in your client >Data>Item . Don`t forgot to extact . I give you as a .zip . Please come back and let me know if work but i don`t make mistakes.