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  1. Piirags

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    Someone has already relesed a fix as far back as 2014, you just like to complain and do nothing by yourself or learn something new :rolleyes: Like I said player.bmd modifications is just one of them. If you don't like slow motion on low stats look for other fixes (takes less than 5 min of googling).
  2. Piirags

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    Speed bug, with all your experience, you could have fixed long time ago by changing player.bmd with edited one or edited it by yourself.
  3. Piirags

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    Who said it's not released? "Diamond edition" kinda gives you a hint why you won't see it. To make it clearer before "Diamond edition" usually comes other versions. One of them "free aka standart edition".
  4. Piirags

    [Sell] Argos CMS / MVC logic less

    Is it me or it's just phpbb forum with portal extension? Just thinking loud, if you sell it as your made CMS and it doesn't work without phpbb forum than it's just front end shell not CMS. Just wondering not being rude lol.
  5. Piirags

    [Release] [P4F] Launcher + Auto update - Free Version

    Here is version 2.5 (Private) released by Killbrum -
  6. Piirags

    [Release] DmN MuCMS 1.2.1

    Everything is in the first post..
  7. Piirags

    [Help] DMNCMS 1.8 error reset caracter

    Check in DB in which table muserver saves resets and compare it to your websites (let's say server saves resets in "Resets" table but website is configured to save resets in "Reset" table). If you have mismatch you will have what you have now. Solution is to chose one and change it in website...
  8. Piirags

    [Release] Free Web License DmN CMS 1.1.4

    There is official and newer release available -
  9. Piirags

    [Release] Files GamingMaster - Season 6 BaseEmu Up15 Full

    Source - Util folder -
  10. Piirags

    Favorite version (MU Online 2020)

    Like i said 5% of all people want "pure experience" with only bugfixes and the rest just lie to themself and pretend that they want it and after 2-3 days of playing comes to realise that this is not enough. Just look at the threads where someone adds something not meant to be there, more "true...
  11. Piirags

    Favorite version (MU Online 2020)

    95% of those who vote for Season 0 (0.97, 0.99, 1.00 series) in all reality don't want it but season 2+ If they would want real muonline experience (that's what they like to say), it would be enough with bugfixes and maybe some not game changing customs. In reality all we see is - can you add...
  12. Piirags

    [Release] DmN MuCMS 1.2.1

    From neo6 (dmn cms maker): We have decided to release latest version 1.2.1 of DmN MuCMS for free as files are leaked on internet, and there will be lot of people who will try to scam people and sell them to others. All customers who have purchased licenses will be able to upgrade to version...
  13. Piirags

    [Release] MuWeb 0.9 VizyX

    Mirror -
  14. Piirags

    [Help] IGCN/MuEMu license decoding
  15. Piirags

    [Release] DTpyWeb

    Just so you know, this 6atters aka KpacaBaa etc. is reselling public stuff, so i wouldn't be surprised when he/she understands how to run this website it's gonna go for sale lol..
  16. Piirags

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    And why not use this time to learn something and try to do it yourslef and stop relying on others?
  17. Piirags

    [Release] DMN Webshop v1.6 Decoded and De-obfuscated

    Google translate first post?:unsure:
  18. Piirags

    [Req] Pls give me Tutorials for code & dev options muserver

    Full premium cracked free link that can help - CRACKED
  19. Piirags

    [Release] Free IIS Website for 0.97d+99i / 1.0M / S6EP3 and more versions

    And no one have problems with this? It's kinda shady thing to do.. How much you paid webzen for license? Basically scam to get attention to their project lol. No one benefits from it just them :p
  20. Piirags

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    and DemonuMu will carry on his parasite life :ROFLMAO: