Search results

  1. dEvilKinG

    [AD] L2 Dynasty x7

    After three months of preparing, closed/open beta phases, we are ready to announce our Grand opening. L2 Dynasty is a low rate, long-term with stable community server based on L2OFF Retail Platform, which means bugs will be almost non-existant. Our servers are protected from any type of 3rd...
  2. dEvilKinG

    [Req] New maps 97d

    Someone could tell me how to add new maps on 97d?
  3. dEvilKinG

    [Req] 2 Weapons view in town

    I remember that a dll existed, but i cannot find it:/ if anyone has it please reply.
  4. dEvilKinG

    [Req] Season 4

    I want to know what season 4 server files are the most stable, I don't care for new features. But to be season 4 :/
  5. dEvilKinG

    [Release] MuKorea 2009 psd + FONT tY:)
  6. dEvilKinG

    [Help] Molebox crash

    Hello, i have packed my main with molebox, but when a user with vista trying to connect the main crash. I have tested in Win7 WinXP and works ok, but on vista it crash. Any ideas?
  7. dEvilKinG

    [AD] Ultimate MU[FRESH DATABASE,Version: 97d+99i, Exp:150x, Drops:75%]

    Welcome to Ultimate MU! Ultimate MU is a new server with fresh db ready to serve your tastes. Server Rates: Version: 0.97d+0.99i XP: 150x MONSTER HP:100% Drop: 75x Excellent drop rate: 1/200 BB: OFF Reset system: Max level: 350 Reset level: 330-350 Keep Stats: NO Reset Money: 30.000.000...
  8. dEvilKinG

    [Req] Molebox

    Is there any way to unpack the packed .exe file by molebox? not only the dlls..
  9. dEvilKinG

    [Help] Hook

    Hello, im using zerg's "Ultimate main for 97d" and i want to hook some more dlls inside. but i dont know where to set the jump to other dll. Could you tell me where to set the jump point to the other main? 08B69000 > 68 1191B608 PUSH main.08B69111 ; ASCII "zerg.dll"...
  10. dEvilKinG

    [Req] AntiDupe

    Can someone give me an antidupe method except ST Anticheat in 97d?
  11. dEvilKinG

    [Dev] MU CMS - Ultimate Web

    Hello people. Today i started working on Joomla and adding enough feutures for MU Of course i could not convert joomla connection of mysql to mssql so it will have 2 different registrations, one for game and one for site+forum. The site will contain all needed for mu server, web(news etc) and...
  12. dEvilKinG

    [Help] New Wings

    I added new wings in my server but i have the following errors: 1)Visual Bug. 2)Cannot add jewels no luck no option. 3)Cannot move to icarus 4) When +7 +8+9+10 etc the glow is gold Anyone could help me to fix these?
  13. dEvilKinG

    [Req] [Vote] Season2

    Witch is the best? MMT or SR team II muserver for season2?
  14. dEvilKinG

    [Req] Best web (secured)

    Witch one do you think is the best web? Secure, scripts etc...
  15. dEvilKinG

    [Release] Global MuOnline Intro(Ripped)

    Hello Darks Team forum. Today i present you my 2nd intro. This time is from Global MuOnline but not the swf;p I remade the intro to image. Load fast and easy editable. Intro of Global Mu Online credits goes to: Webzen - For...
  16. dEvilKinG

    [Help] HOOK my dll into main

    Hello i don't know how to hook a dll in the main. i followed guides but im little bit slow or i got wrong programs. So i uploaded my main and 3 dll to hook into. if anyone can hook them please inside main(Version 97d). Please someone hook...
  17. dEvilKinG

    [Help] PK bug

    How can i fix pk bug in 0.97d? im using wolfs gameserver +post