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  1. nelson25

    [Help] Help file DarksTeam 97D+99I About Guild Name

    Esta agregada x por mi el guild logo
  2. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    BMD Edit. You open the item.bmd of the client, and edit using the characters
  3. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    43.3 :cool:
  4. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    If you use dark's connect server, it doesn't work. use the bor
  5. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    Apparently according to my tests, it only works in Devias. Do your tests and confirm. GoldMedalDropRate = 10000 SilverMedalDropRate = 10000
  6. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    MedalEvent = 1 ; Activate Medal Drop (0:Disabled,1:Enabled) GoldMedalDropRate = 700 ; Drop of Gold Medal (N/10000) SilverMedalDropRate = 800 ; Drop of Silver Medal (N/10000) ItemDropRateForGoldMedal = 20 ItemDropRateForSilverMedal = 20
  7. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    BoxOfGoldDropRate = 40 // - Drop Monster Spot ItemDropRateForBoxOfGold = 80 // - Drop Items EventChipDropRateForBoxOfGold = 80 // - Drop Renas I don't want to lie to you, play...
  8. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    GameServer crash is caused by a bad configuration. You should check everything carefully and see what is causing this problem.
  9. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3 Install All
  10. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    @vanluat It is totally normal that when the pj dies the internal buff is not removed. Imagine that another user kills you in the same way. The same thing will happen and there will be no changes.
  11. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    What is the problem?
  12. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    Hello, I advise you not to touch what is already there. If you want something new, you should create another dll that works at the same time, just like I do. You can add more events, more commands, and new systems.
  13. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

  14. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    I used this WebShop for a long time, and I never had any problems. There may be a configuration error, or the queries were executed incorrectly. A DDOS attack would never give you that kind of problems, since it doesn't go through there. ;)
  15. nelson25

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    Add all items to webshop sql
  16. nelson25

    [Help] HELP with GS - Darksteam 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    Yo utilizo la misma dll y studpe y no tengo problemas. Seguramente no cargas el init.