Search results

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    [Release] GameGuard Anticheat V1.8 (FREE)
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    [Release] Premiums skins 2022
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    [Release] Files GamingMaster - Season 6 BaseEmu Up15 Full MuServer MAIN INFO + ENCRYPT TOOLS Patch Client...
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    [Dev] Sources Transfer items to chaos with one click

    Main: 0.97.02 MemorySet(0x004D13B7, 0x90, 2); //Move item Interface -> Inventario OK MemorySet(0x004D136A, 0x90, 2); //Inventario -> Interface SetCompleteHook(0xE8, 0x004D1388, &ItemPosicion); void ItemPosicion(DWORD a1, DWORD a2, int a3, int Columna, int Fila) { if...
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    [Dev] Move to land or exile map number 5 Main 97D

    Good afternoon, returning to the ring I release the dizziness of land or exile. What this does is remove the disgusting movement for me that this map has // - REMOVE LAND MOVEMENT BYTE MOVLAND [7] = {0x83, 0x3D, 0xB8, 0x57, 0x55, 0x00, 0x21}; memcpy ((int *) 0x0051F8F2, MOVLAND, sizeof...
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    [Release] MURANKING Server Source (2008)

    Download Credits Deathway
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    [Release] ConnectServer 97D 2020 Credits Djagripnos GiannhsG
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    [Release] DarksTeam V.097D Beta 43+Custom Maps

    Hi, not much to say. Everyone knows these Files, in the classic 97D realm. Added 4 new Maps: "Vulcanus, Raklion, Crywolf, and Kanturu". The files already come with a personal configuration, ready for an online start. Each one can obtain to improve it. The texts were translated, new monsters were...
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    UPDATE 1 - 05/25/2020 - Fixed Red Dragon and Golden Dragon flying through the cities at the time of the invasion - Fixed Zen Bug when repairing items during Trade, with the Chest open and when selling items on the NPC - Fixed JoinServer (internal details ) - Some security fixes - Fixed / auto...
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    [Dev] HP Bar (97d)

    HealthBar.cpp: #include "StdAfx.h" std::vector<HEALTH_BAR> HealthBar; void cHealthBar::ClearNewHealthBar() { HealthBar.clear(); } void cHealthBar::InsertNewHealthBar(short Index, BYTE Rate) { HEALTH_BAR Bar; Bar.Index = Index; Bar.Rate = Rate; HealthBar.push_back(Bar)...
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    [Dev] HiddenEvent 97d - Aminyuz

    BotHidenSeek.cpp BotHidenSeek.h Commandos.cpp Command.h Trade.cpp Aminyuz.cpp Comandos.ini [HIDENSEEK] Switch = 1 MaxTime = 360 Comando = /HiddenSeek Creditos: Aminyuz - Files Base Louis - Devolper S6 Melo920 - Adaptar 97d
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    [Guide] Shop Editor NPC (97d)

    C/Muserver/Data shop0.txt >>> [Lorencia] Herrero shop1.txt >>> [Lorencia] Bar shop2.txt >>> [Lorencia] Wizard Shop shop3.txt >>> [Lorencia] Peddlar shop4.txt >>> [Lorencia] Wanderer Merchant near the river shop5.txt >>> [Lorencia] Potion Girl shop6.txt >>> [Devias] Bar shop7.txt >>> [Devias]...
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    [Release] Muserver Season 4 Premium (Update 13) by louis

    ChangeLog: //ChangeLog MuEmu by louis //Muserver Season 4,6,8 JANUARY 2017 - Add CustomMove - Add Rei do MU Event - Fix CustomJewel in Main - Active MHP FEBRUARY 2017 - Add HpBonus System - Add Kill Message System - Add MessageBox Yes/No on Close Gameserver - Add MasterSkillTree Reset - Fix...
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    [AD] HeroicMu 97D Exp:100 Drop: 70 Reset Max:15

    WebSite: Vote System: # Host from: Fance # Greece: Server Private # Server Exp: 100x # Server Drop: 70% # Monster HP: 100% # Jewel of Bless Bug: OFF # Mana Shield Defence rate: 15% (AT START) # Level Resets: 350 on WebSite or in Game (In...
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    [Release] WebEngine CMS 1.2.0

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    [Dev] Limite de Tranferencia de Zen para Cliente 1.04E(Muemu)

    Code: // Money transfer limit for Client 1.04E SetByte((PVOID)(0x007AF175 + 1), 9); SetByte((PVOID)(0x007AF415 + 1), 9); SetByte((PVOID)(0x007AF795 + 1), 9); SetByte((PVOID)(0x007B0315 + 1), 9);
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    [Dev] Disable Keys Season 6 (ShopX,Command Window and Full Map)

    My Contribuition for disable Keys in the Mu S6.3 muemu Disable Shop X: MemorySet(0x00944E50,0x90,0x15E); //Remove Shop X(MonsterZone) MemorySet(0x00661700,0x90,0x145); //Remove Shop X(SafeZone) Disable Command Window (D) MemorySet(0x0078DC20,0x90,0x5A); //Disable D button (Command Window)...
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    [Release] MuOnlineWebs 2.2.0
