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  1. E

    [Release] ExTeam Season 6 Episode 3

    MSSQL Server 2008 R2 ENG
  2. E

    [Help] Grand Reset module

    I have a problem with the module grand reset its function: removes 10 reset and you get 10 reward credit, the problem is this does not give the grandreset but not credit that is malfunctioning if I could help it would be helpful thanks... <?php require("config.php"); $username =...
  3. E

    [Guide] Add maps to Gameserver 97d

    if possible in gameserver DarkSteam, it is easy to do ..
  4. E

    [Release] DT Web 1.0 Updated

    Help with module deposit
  5. E

    [Help] Add to my web

    I am seeking to put this module on my website
  6. E

    [Help] Add to my web

    can you help me how to put this function in ranking module that passing character name displays a dialog. I leave a picture
  7. E

    [Guide] Add maps to Gameserver 97d

    [Required tools] OllyDbg GameServer version 97d unpacked 1° Open or OllyDbg, click the menu, Open > File and select the GameServer. 2° Changing the limit of the maps: 00489489 |. 68 711C4000 PUSH GameServ.00401C71 ; Entry address 0048948E |. 6A 11 PUSH 11 00489490 |. 68 68DB0400 PUSH 4DB68...
  8. E

    [Release] Buy Jewels

    I have it in 1 and follows the same Help!!
  9. E

    [Release] Buy Jewels

    error This module is disabled! For more information contact the administrators
  10. E

    [Release] DPAuction and Admin Panel Update v2.0 (v97d-99.60T)

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DPWeb_JewelDeposit]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[DPWeb_JewelDeposit] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DPWeb_JewelDeposit] ( [memb___id] [nvarchar] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ...
  11. E

    [Release] Jewel Deposit

    what the table should create ??
  12. E

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 0.99.60/62T (1.0M) Beta 15

    someone has to cam main 3d + mini map files for this ???
  13. E

    [Release] Source New Wings 97d

    anyone can have the dll? please
  14. E

    [Release] Market System for Low Versions

    as I add the items to the webshop?
  15. E

    [Release] DarksWeb 0.3 UPDATE

    I leave a small contribution!jIkxVJTZ!DUIKDp7kf_MHY3jmyqgsUsljQ_K5k_C_kdNbkmvEYEk
  16. E

    [Release] DarksWeb 0.3 UPDATE

    You can use this
  17. E

    [Release] DarksWeb 0.3 UPDATE

    I leave Ranking Sky, Quest, Stone Ranking_Sky-Quest-Stone
  18. E

    [Help] Item can not be used

    wings not go with other options such as wings and can not put the main limit fix this error may be items that ?? I leave images
  19. E

    [Release] Mu Market for all webs

    functions to 99d?
  20. E

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    someone has an editor Item.bmd pliss..