Search results

  1. L

    [Release] Cristmas patch

    nice.. this is good for the comming christmas :D
  2. L

    [Release] Lobo, the New Pet

    thanks.. it realy works!..
  3. L

    [Release] MuWeb 0.9 Dark Template

    8/10.. its better if you will make it more clear.. :D
  4. L

    [Req] MuWeb Scripts

    Can any1 give me MuWeb Scripts that need to type username , character name and password to do a reset or something else, such us : reset character , add stats , Clear Pk , Clear Inventory , Clear Vault , i Hope some1 can give this to me.. thnx !
  5. L

    [Release] Zhyper Template MuWeb 0.9

    i can add that rankings on the side of the web.. i will release it here if i've finish it :D so juz wait ^^
  6. L

    [Release] DarksWeb + Customs

    10/10 for you bro... you did a nice work.. but can you translate it in english ? is it secured??