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    [Release] BrCF Season 5 Free GameServer Dev

    what about all the other events?BC-CC-DC-IT?Wings?Items?Crywolf?Castle Siege?
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    :-) Anyway,thnx a lot.By the way do you know if they release season 4 wings from chaos mix?

    :-) Anyway,thnx a lot.By the way do you know if they release season 4 wings from chaos mix?
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    Where i can find gs of s3 files decompiled?

    Where i can find gs of s3 files decompiled?
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    [Release] MuServer S3 Ep1 + New Jewels

    Because i dont know so good c++ and ASM i dont knoww what is this can you help me?
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    [Release] MuServer S3 Ep1 + New Jewels

    Guyz i have one question.Can i take the new two jewels and put them in other season like 4 or 5?Does anyone know how to do this?
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    Hi dud.My name is conn.My msn is [email protected] if you can contact with me i just wonna...

    Hi dud.My name is conn.My msn is [email protected] if you can contact with me i just wonna ask you some think about the release you post with new jewels.Can i take them and put them in other version like season 4 or season 5? Plz i need your help. Thnx
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    [Guide] Castle Siege Setup

    Can i put max players 2 for CastleSiege?
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    [Release] CzF Season 4.5 [1.00.90] Bugless with custom modifications

    In this server for example cashshop and pointshop exit?I'm trying to find a server where both of them exist. Sry for my bad english.
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    [Release] CzF Season 4.5 [1.00.90] Bugless with custom modifications

    CashShop and PointShop is the same?Because cashshop opens with x button and point shop open from d button.
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    [Release] MuServer Season 4 Repack FULL

    Guyz i have a bug and i need some help.When i pick up a firecracker from the floor in my inventory it appears as Heart Of Dark Lord the blue one(No heart of love).I try to change client files but nothink.Any idea?
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    [Release] Repack by Oski 7.11.56 (GS+SUB+CS) Ver:4.9.8

    You can use from tools the Autoresets2.0 Make your best code Autoresets2.0 Click and Click from the site "see it" or you can make a code in sql job to make a reset when ever you want with any points you want or install muweb 0.9 for reset for your server as your site...
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    [Release] MuServer Season 4 Repack FULL

    Hi guyz.For me the files work perfect but the golden archer doesn't open for registry and when i pick up a firecracker in my inventory it is Heart of dark lord.How can i fix one of these?
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    [Help] MSSQL

    I was trying to install micsosoft sql 2000 and when i put the serial number and the install ends i was taking an error with a file in c:\windows.I delete sql because i was thinking that the problem is there and now i have sql 2000 eval and i get the same error.Where can i find sql 2000 with...
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    Thnx DarkMaster for your help.I have one more question,when i'm trying to install sql 2000 when...

    Thnx DarkMaster for your help.I have one more question,when i'm trying to install sql 2000 when the install complete i take error and the install canceled.It sez somethink for a file in c:\windows. Thnx
  15. O This is the release This is the release
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    The SCFdb3.exe is the crack!

    The SCFdb3.exe is the crack!
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    Guyz i run SCFdb3.exe and i get Application Error. The application failed to initialize properly...

    Guyz i run SCFdb3.exe and i get Application Error. The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000007b).Click OK to terminate the application. Can someone tell me what is this? I have install all net frame works and XP service packs and nothink. THNX from now.
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    [Release] MuServer Season 4 Repack FULL

    Guyz i run SCFdb3.exe and i get Application Error. The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000007b).Click OK to terminate the application. Can someone tell me what is this? I have install all net frame works and XP service packs and nothink. THNX from now.
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    [Help] SCFDB3

    Guyz i run SCFdb3.exe and i get Application Error. The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000007b).Click OK to terminate the application. Can someone tell me what is this? I have install all net frame works and XP service packs and nothink. THNX from now.
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    [Guide] New Items (Add in your server)

    Can i do it in s4 files?