Search results

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    [Req] Server Staff

    Hi there, We are working on a new server with 97d+99i stable Masteru files updated, I already rented a dedicated server (rented) and I'm already testing the files. Its gonna be a easy server but we have to work on it! We are recruiting some experiencied or not staff, without...
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    [Release] Main 97d+99i Free Anti-Hack

    I don't have any yet! but I want to know to use the best of the list!
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    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 0.99.60/62T (1.0M) Beta 15

    anyone have a client with launcher that Works nice and smooth?
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    [Release] Main 97d+99i Free Anti-Hack

    Nice mains man! What the best u have? 97d!
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    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    Realy want to thanks to darkmaster! He's a really master!
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    [Help] MuEditor 2.1 SQL Connection failed

    I already solve it the right ODBC for 32 and 64 bits its attachted! I just post something in the wrong post! Thanks!
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    [Help] MuEditor 2.1 SQL Connection failed

    anyone??? help
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    [Req] Spots for high exp 97d99i

    Hi there, i'm searching like one week for monstersetbase compatible with darksteam server 97d, i have tryed to change and always gives error, crash gs, etc i need one like spots all maps, and stadium low mobs in cages growing up level monsters, somebody can give it to me? i give GM :)(rock)
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    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    I'll search it mu_fast, its some itens lightning staff looks like kundun staff like that... edited: I searched on forum and another forum i didn't found mu fast, can you send a link or where to find it?
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    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    DarkMaster do you recommend a launcher? about visual bugs how can I fix it? (Client side)
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    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    DarkMaster, you have seen the visual bugs on client side? Items...?
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    [AD] RetroMu 97d99i Exp: 5000x Drop: 30%

    Server Name: Retro Mu Version: 97d+99b Exp 5.000x Drop Item Rate: 30% Bug bless: Off-Line Link Speeed: 100mbps Jewel of bless: 100% Jewel of soul: 50% no luck, with luck 75% Jewel of life: 70% Rate +10: 70% Rate +11: 60% Wings Rate: 80% Fenrir Rate 70% Spots: All maps...
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    [Release] LiveGuard FREE Version

    i'll test it! but some people sayd that 97d don't work, its right?
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    [AD] RetroMu 97d99i Exp: 15x Drop: 35%

    beta test period ends today! Chars will stay!
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    [AD] RetroMu 97d99i Exp: 15x Drop: 35%

    Server Name: Retro Mu Version: 97d+99b Exp 15x Drop Item Rate: 35% Bug bless: Off-Line Link Speeed: 100mbps Jewel of bless: 100% Jewel of soul: 50% no luck, with luck 75% Jewel of life: 70% Rate +10: 70% Rate +11: 60% Wings Rate: 80% Fenrir Rate 70% Spots: All maps - medium spots, low spots Up...
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    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    Client mirror
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    [Help] Windows 7 ODBC

    didn't work for me
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    [Help] MuEditor 2.1 SQL Connection failed

    Win 8 64bits, SQL 2008 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\MuOnline] "Driver"="c:\\WINNT\\System32\\SQLSRV32.dll" "Server"="(local)" "Database"="MuOnline" "LastUser"="Administrator"...
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    [Help] MuEditor 2.1 SQL Connection failed

    I can't running the server yet, HELP!
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    [Help] Windows 7 ODBC

    me 2 help