- WebSite: Mu Old Classic Server - Live the old days.
Server name: Mu Old Classic Server
Version: 1.0m Season 1
Exp: 10x
Drop: 35%
Max Level: 400
Reset: No Reset
Web Shop: No Webshop
Monsters HP: GMO Style
Spots: GMO Style (Improved)
Shops: GMO Style
Chaos Machine: GMO Style...
DarkMaster, I own servers since 2004 and I know you're the best programmer
Your job is unique!
Trivia Event is already avaliable for update your files? 8-)
there's a way to make heart of love/firecracker (eventitembag5.txt) drops kundun+4 itens exc?
Or Golden/silver medal drops kundun+5 itens???
I tryed to copy the code text but didn't work! still dropping +7 itens
nice release, i'll test it!
I config the web but don't show the images background (rounding the menus ranking, user opts, News, etc)
And please post top bg without 'muonlineserver' please
see the error on SCREEN SHOT
Thanks DemonuMu you are the best! Can I suggest you something? I think it will be nice if you share some launchers too, that Works fine with those mains! Thanks again!