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    [Release] WebShop For 97d+99i Update 4

    @ Demonumu, id[28] = Adamantine Helm
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    [AD] SpiritMu 97d99i Exp: 60x Drop: 30%

    Now you can download the game client SpiritMu 97d+99i Server start today 18:00 by server time , don't be late.
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    [AD] SpiritMu 97d99i Exp: 60x Drop: 30%

    You can earn some credits, just create new account and vote.
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    [AD] SpiritMu 97d99i Exp: 60x Drop: 30%

    I have to say big thanks for DarkMaster for the great files and good support , r00tme for strong nerves great support and tips. SpiritMu 97d+99i Grand Opening 18 April 18:00 by server time. Sign Up Now ! Server Information * Version: 97d+99i * Experience: 60x - 1x(each reset decrease exp by...
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    [Release] WebShop For 97d+99i Update 4

    In database you can change the max options and other things. G] But also write same ex options in webshop options.
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    [Help] mssql_query update value only once

    Thanks, all work.
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    [Help] mssql_query update value only once

    <?php mssql_select_db("MuOnline") or die(); $topq = mssql_query("Select name,resets from character"); $row = mssql_fetch_row($topq); if($resets >= 30 && $row[0] = Spiritmu) {$test = mssql_query("Update MEMB_CREDITS set credits = credits+$credits WHERE memb___id='Spiritmu'") ;} ?>
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    [Help] mssql_query update value only once

    Hello, maybe some can help me with my problem, i want this mysql_query work only once per all time, how to do it correct? if($final => 10){$example = mssql_query("Update Character Set Money='$rmoney',PkLevel='3',PkTime='0' where name='$character'");} The problem is table update all time...
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    [Req] MuEditor or MuMaker Compatible with DarksTeam 97d+99i

    Can you upload again ?
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    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    Edit your guard in monstersetbase.txt Example: 247 1 0 72 164 1 0 - Move range
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    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    DarkMaster, long time you spend for it ) , im waiting for it.
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    [Help] Reset problem

    Check SQLConnect in DTData.
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    [AD] EternalMu 97d99i 9999x Drop: 80%

    Website link add.
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    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    If durability decrease to <255 you can't repair it in game.
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    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    From webshop with wings have problem, but you can solve it, my solution work if people read info. "cant" - can't write with " ' " in file.