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Viewing thread DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

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  • Darky can u make main from my release to work properply with antihack.dll?
    i need this antihack very much..
    I've only been back in Mu Dev for 2 days and I'm already really excited (chuckle)

    P.S: I put a new thread in General Discussion that I think needs approval, you may want to look :)

    Okay really gotta crash+sleep now, only got a few hours till a morning appointment :blink: :bye1:
    And what I intend for the client is to have an easy-to-use tool for managing the sets, weapons, monsters, EVERYTHING in the client, and you can change skins, change stats, etc and then generate BOTH client and server files for those changes - so they always match...

    Pentium's work is very close to letting this happen, I will be trying to talk to him tomorrow and see if I can explain to him, he may be interested (it's not much more work than what he's doing already) :D
    It seems strange for you to say that, do you mean you couldn't get testers, or what?

    I know *I'M* interested in a completely bug-free S3E2 server :p

    Because then I can do this to the client: http://i38.tinypic.com/2hclt1h.jpg
    And this to the server: http://i38.tinypic.com/qx1203.jpg
    And similar to all the settings files, make them reeeeally easy to understand ;)

    And of course have an installer for the server that can download and install SQL server and setup ODBC etc (for single-server setups, subservers might need to be done more manually of course)

    But yeah there's no reason why muserver has to be so 'dirty' with untranslated files and configs and confusing crap all over the place ;)
    G'day :)

    How's the dev? I've been out of Mu for about 2 years O.O

    Going to get back into it though - have you seen what I did to earlier files? Making them easy, translating the filenames and getting rid of a lot of shit? ;)

    I could do that for your release...
    Darko specialno za teb :D
    Guess from what is made the ice-cream (nqh) (xaixai)

    mom4eta pomognete mi predi da si pleistaliram kompa Mu sezon2 ne mi spichashe a sega mi spicha Brutalno Mnogoo kAK da go opraq
    brao dark za qkiq forum koito si napravil nemoga da spru da se radvam na nego... Ps mnoo hubaf nik :D 6areni4ak i qko... pojelavam vi mnoo kusmet na darksteam i mnoo uspehi... 6e se vidim pak F foruma :)
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