Recent content by PorKyBK

  1. PorKyBK

    [AD] MU50x 97d+99i OldSchool

    3 H and Online
  2. PorKyBK

    [AD] MU50x 97d+99i OldSchool

    >>>Grand Open 28/02/2025 . 20:30 PM<<<
  3. PorKyBK

    [AD] MU50x 97d+99i OldSchool

    Am si acuma fisierele de s2 imi era dor de un old :D o sa il redeschid si pe ala s2
  4. PorKyBK

    [AD] MU50x 97d+99i OldSchool

    Chiar te rog sa probezi :) hack pe market eu am uitat doar notificarea e pe 5 ani in timpul asta iti poti recupera itemu sau se sterge nu e problema :) + ca tot ce e facut e modificat 100% pagina web market webshop :D am zis sa fie cat mai clasic si urmeaza multe up :)
  5. PorKyBK

    [AD] MU50x 97d+99i OldSchool

    hack nu merge la el si in plus acolo am modificat din 7 zile dispare in 5 ani :) numai ca am uitat sa modific in text durata :) orcum multam pentru atentionare :d
  6. PorKyBK

    [AD] MU50x 97d+99i OldSchool

    Up Coming new grand open srver !
  7. PorKyBK

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    only @DarkMaster maybe solved this problem so what you sey about problem afk ?
  8. PorKyBK

    [Release] DarksTeam 97D Beta 43.3 + Main97D Compatible.!!

    @DemonuMu Lai probat?
  9. PorKyBK

    [Release] Game-Shield

    make video how to install
  10. PorKyBK

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    e full client ? fara virusi nu e?
  11. PorKyBK

    [Release] Vote in User Panel For Credits [Fixed by LiskO]

    It doesn't work properly you can vote many times and if you check 1 for nothing, you wait 12-24 hours because you still can't vote :)
  12. PorKyBK

    [Release] HPTeam Main 0.97d + 99i

    link dead
  13. PorKyBK

    [AD] MU50x 97d+99i OldSchool

    Info Basic > Experience:50x > Drop: 25% > Version: 97D+99I > Created Character : [BK/SM/ELF/ : 1 [MG : 220] > All Maps have Spots max 7 mobs WebSite: HERE Vote System: ONLINE WebShop System: ONLINE Donate System: ONLINE Market System: ONLINE Info Reset Only in games comand /reset Level 350...
  14. PorKyBK

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    link client dead
  15. PorKyBK

    [Release] MuWeb 0.8

    yes thx have now darksweb 3 and more modules and config for s6 .:)