Recent content by pafa7a

  1. pafa7a

    [AD] -=Anarchy Mu=- [Season 6] | Exp x50 | Drop 35% | Start [28/02/2025]

    Подвеждаща информация? Нелоялност спрямо другите сървъри?
  2. pafa7a

    [AD] -=Anarchy Mu=- [Season 6] | Exp x50 | Drop 35% | Start [28/02/2025]

    Down! Обяснение за тези числа? Поне като ще ги нагласяте, оставете само online players count и ranking-a го лимитирайте само до първа страница (или махнете статуса на играчите от там), защото е прекалено явно това нагласяне.
  3. pafa7a

    .::[ 16 Години DarksTeam ]::.

    Честита годишнина на всички ни и специални благодарности към тъмния. В моя случай този сайт буквално съществува от както се помня
  4. pafa7a

    [Help] Normal server disconnect

    glad it worked
  5. pafa7a

    [Help] Normal server disconnect

    This error comes when you have monster with higher level than the limit, which in most cases is 149 or 254 (depends on the files). But you can play with it and determine what is the limit
  6. pafa7a

    [Release] Playring Web cloned by pafa7a

    are there any error logs that you can share?
  7. pafa7a

    [Help] Error Sql sintax error. Please check application/logs/database_error_log_2023-10-17.txt for errors.

    Remove the part with ", login_type = 0" and it should work
  8. pafa7a

    [Help] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3 problem

    are you using the latest version of GS/CS from If so - report this issue to DarkMaster and probably he will fix it. Did you configured the ServerList.dat file correctly? Try with different ConnectServer?
  9. pafa7a

    [Dev] [DEV] MuServer on Node.js

    update: - WebAdmin: 3 box settings added to logs pages. Clear logs, reload logs, delete logs - WebAdmin: When you visit the logs pages, it will first get the latest 500 logs stored in ElasticSearch (500 logs for 3ms :) ) for the respective app and then will continue with real-time logs -...
  10. pafa7a

    [Dev] [DEV] MuServer on Node.js

    всяка помощ е добре дошла - няма да върна никого. Дори и да го учиш езика в момента, не се бърка да се пробваш да направиш нещо. Тъкмо на code review фазата ще ти казвам ако нещо не е ок и ще давам идеи за подобрение :) Всички постоянно учим
  11. pafa7a

    [Dev] [DEV] MuServer on Node.js

    Update: - MuWebAdmin: the main menu now supports sub-menus + automatically detects the active one - MuWebAdmin: you can now watch server logs real-time :) (in future, we can integrate the logs with Discord private channels :) ) Video demo:
  12. pafa7a

    [Dev] [DEV] MuServer on Node.js

    I'm happy to share with you that now we can start & stop & control servers from the mu-admin server (directly from the browser) :) Demo:
  13. pafa7a

    [Dev] [DEV] MuServer on Node.js

    progress update: Account authentication handler in the JoinServer - done. We have a new server called "WebServer" that contains 'mu-web-admin" directory which is a Next.js project. So far I've implemented the protected pages & routes logic, implemented the login & auth mechanism, security...
  14. pafa7a

    [Dev] [DEV] MuServer on Node.js

    Update 11.04.2023: - Updated root - Created a Discord server for the project - - The libs "mu-packet-manager" and "mu-db" are now publicly available in - JoinServer TCP handlers are moved into separate files - Added handler for login packets &...