Recent content by MichaelxD

  1. M

    [Help] Updating from Season 6 to Season 6 Ep3

    will update based on data season 6 season 6 ep 3, how is that possible? or using the same data base to season 6 season 6 ep 3 actualizar base de datos season 6 a season 6 ep 3, ¿es posible? o usar la misma base de datos season 6 a season 6 ep 3
  2. M

    [Req] Hook main zerg.dll

    Error (doh)
  3. M

    [Req] Guide SubServer 97d99i DT connect DB2

    Hello i am need help tells me I can not create pjs Data 3 and 4, GS, JS, EXDB and Data. Replace with HxD MuOnline by Muonlin1 and gives me error data folder is dataserver3 and exe is dataserver, replacement dataserver.exe by dataserver3.exe?
  4. M

    [Req] Hook main zerg.dll

    avast no problem
  5. M

    [Help] Sub Server

    create my sub na server with different database, but will not let me create new pjs help please. data 3 and 4, js, exdb and gs.
  6. M

    [Req] Hook main zerg.dll

    Please Help me, Hook zerg.dll in my main. i cant hook
  7. M

    [Help] Hook main ah.dll

    I have a problem ah.dll hook help me please image number 4
  8. M

    [Req] Glow.gld Editor

    my main.exe used glow.dat and editor supports only glow.gld glow, as I edit the glow.dat? to know the colors well. thx(doh)
  9. M

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    you problem is the cleartype
  10. M

    [AD] MuHydra 97d99i Exp: 12x Drop: 30%

    Mu Hydra Datos del Servidor: Experiencia: 12x Drop: 30% BlessBug= Off Pagina: Mu Hydra Bienvenidos Reset: Nivel 330 a 400 Maximo Nivel (Reset perzonalizado) Spot: Moderados Eventos: Happy hour, Party Event, Sky Event, Golden Invasión, Blood Castle, Devil Square. Shop: Slow Puntos Por...
  11. M

    [Req] Online Module

    OMG Thanks! Reset Fix, country exist but line if($row2[1] == ''){ $row2[1] ='<img src=>';} all uses from Argentina and if($row2[1] == 'Argentina'){ $row2[1] ='<img src=>';} not...
  12. M

    [Req] Online Module

    help me please ;(
  13. M

    [Req] Online Module

    Line "Resets" and "country" no Found :/ <? $i = 0; $status = mssql_query("SELECT DISTINCT AccountCharacter.GameIDC, memb_stat.ServerName, memb_stat.ServerName, memb_stat.IP, memb_stat.ConnectTM, memb_stat.DisConnectTM from Memb_stat join AccountCharacter on...
  14. M

    [Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

    <? $get_config = simplexml_load_file('engine/config_mods/register_settings.xml'); if($get_config->active == '0'){ echo msg('0',text_sorry_feature_disabled); }else{ $register_method = $get_config->method; $verification_config =...
  15. M

    [Dev] Main hooks

    closes the main, attached photos